Wish I Could Make Up My Mind



  • white_horse
    white_horse Posts: 36 Member
    So if you have company or something watch your portions then. Every Friday night is when my husband and I go out for dinner and it is usually to the local Japanese Steak House. I still eat the same dinner as before but I'm eating less and bringing home more (either for another meal the next day or for the dogs). Could I be eating healthier - yes and I'm working on improving that but by counting calories and watching my portions I've lost 33lbs since the end of March. There are only a few foods I have completely cut out and others I have substituted for better options.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    If you don't think you can do 1200, then do more. Why not start off with what they recommend (the 1 lb a week I think?) or even the 1/2 a week. Anything is better than nothing.

    I've found it's helped a lot to think of this as a lifestyle change and NOT as a diet. Good luck!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I seem to go back and forth on how I want to lose weight. One week, Atkins the next exercise more. As stressful as this is for me, I am making my husband crazy!! He hates when I try diets like Atkins where the food list can be so restrictive that I can't enjoy meals with him. Years ago, I went to a nutritionist and was told to not count carbs only calories. Eating 1500 a day and exercising 3 times a week, I lost 20 pounds in about 10 weeks. It was great.. Wish I could get there again.

    fad diets don't work in the long run, and exercise alone will not take off the weight. If you change the way you eat to reasonable portions of healthier foods, not only will you have a more sustainable routine, you can include your husband in your meals. Even if he doesn't have weight issues, eating healthier foods is better for everyone, he might just have more freedom as far as portion sizes, or added condiments. Or maybe he gets one extra food with the meal that you don't indulge in, but you still can share the meal. This "Eating 1500 a day and exercising 3 times a week" is the best option of all you listed, and you CAN get there again. You just have to decide to do it. You already know it works!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think part of my problem is that I stay motivated for a short period of time. Then I blow my diet the first chance I get and restart again the next monday. (For instance, had company last week from Thursday to Sunday, I ate what they ate, which wasn't always the healthiest, but was the easiest when eating with 7 others).

    See, that's the benefit of MFP. You CAN still eat what your company/family/friends/etc eats. Just maybe less of it.....all you have to do is meet your calorie goal. So, there's really no excuse for "blowing" your diet.
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I struggle with the same issue. I know that low carb helps me fight cravings and keeps me fuller on fewer calories but it's so restrictive that I can't stick with it, end up blowing it and then give up altogether. I know that a calorie defecit is what gets the weight down though.

    I've watched all my friends here on MFP and some in real life just watch their calories/points lose the weight slowly but surely and eat the foods they enjoy in moderation. I have gone back & forth so many times that I am at my same starting weight as January. I keep telling myself if I would have stuck to my calorie goal starting in January, I’d already be at goal or close to it and on the beach in a bikini!! The key is definitely consistency.

    One thing that is really working for me is something I found on post here on MFP…a goal calendar. I made my own which has a checkbox each day for exercise and a checkbox each day for calories met. I also wrote all kinds of motivational sayings all over it in bright fun colors. Every morning I wake up and it’s the first thing I look at. It gets my butt out of bed at 4:45AM to get my workout in so I know that I can check that off before I even start my day. That has helped A LOT! I have actually been checking off the calories met right after dinner every night too which has helped me cut back on mindless snacking. I know it’s a mental thing, but actually checking off those boxes has helped me feel accomplished. I only put up 4 weeks at a time and take one day at a time. This is a lifestyle change so it’s time to learn some new habits :smile: Good luck to you and remember…be consistent.
  • CaitlinedB
    CaitlinedB Posts: 67 Member
    I do the same thing...I feel like I have tried almost every diet under the sun and my poor hubby has had to deal with the constant food and mood swings. Eventually I always fall off the wagon though because my body hated many of the diets I did.

    I agree with the other posters who said to eat what you want and just keep track of your calories. I'm doing that and I'm actually happy while "dieting". Plus I think long terms it's the only thing that will stick for most people.
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    I seem to go back and forth on how I want to lose weight. One week, Atkins the next exercise more. As stressful as this is for me, I am making my husband crazy!! He hates when I try diets like Atkins where the food list can be so restrictive that I can't enjoy meals with him. Years ago, I went to a nutritionist and was told to not count carbs only calories. Eating 1500 a day and exercising 3 times a week, I lost 20 pounds in about 10 weeks. It was great.. Wish I could get there again.

    So stop chasing magic fixes. Listen to the nutritionist and follow the MFP plan - count calories. Eat whatever you want (trying to make as many healthy choices as possible, but not denying yourself the foods you enjoy). Just stay at your goal. It really is that simple.

    Just to make sure you read it again... :) This is the best advise, I couldn't have said it better!
    It's all about calories in vs. calories out...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you lost weight before with calorie restriction alone, then clearly you have no digestive issues that would necessitate a low carb diet like Atkins. So, why limit yourself and cause stress for both you and your husband? Try to keep your health in mind when you eat, but don't get crazy about it. Eat things you like that are healthy as much as possible and let the rest take care of itself.

    Exercise too! It's good for your health no matter what your weight. And it's a great stress reliever!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    To clarify, I thought the number of calories that MFP sets already includes the negative 500 deduction. If not there is no way I would survive on 700 calories a day.

    They do all the math! So eat whatever they told you (I assume by your post it would be 1200 cals a day)

    Exactly, whatever number MFP gave you ALREADY has the 500 deficit built in. All you need to do is meet 1200 calories a day.
  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    I did it! Yesterday we went out to dinner, I ate small portions and met my 1200 calorie goal for the day!! Thanks for the reality check everyone. It is refreshing to be "put in my place" sometimes; friends and family always have the same line "oh you look great". The only exception is my husband, "You look good, but you could look better, we both can".

    Oh, has anyone here ever heard of using a vision board? It is a way to motivate yourself by being able to see your goals? As someone already stated sometimes seeing things helps you win the mental battle.