Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 11/9 - 11/15



  • lids0578
  • Shelley130
    Hi all. Bad water day for me. Think I'm about halfway to my goal, but my day's almost over. :ohwell:

    Bad day in general, I guess. Has anyone ever been taunted for being fat WHILE you were very obviously EXERCISING? I mean, if you hate me so much because of how I look- then shut up and let me work on it! Geez. :mad:

    Some people disgust me.

    P.S. Sorry for the random thought... just something that's been bothering me all evening.

    That sucks! I haven't had anyone taunt me but I do have people who look at my machine stats. So I will be on the elliptical puffing along, sweating, breathing like a dying cow, and I will catch the skinny girls next to me trying to see how long and what level I'm on. The only thing that saves me there is since I weigh so much more than them I burn much more cals in a shorter time haha.

    Who cares what they think. I know personally when I see a heavy person exercise I'm thinkin "you go girl!!" :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello everyone.. how has your week gone? Mine has been super busy!!! At any rate I stayed did well with my water most days (Wednesday, I should Have drank a little more). The good news is that I am down 2 lbs for the week@ Yahoo!!! :happy:

    I have another crazy busy day again today so, i have got to get it started and get into the workout room!
    Will we do any different kind of challenge this week?

  • BetterVersion
    Hey guys! Thanks lids and Shelley for your responses :happy: I'm over it today. Especially since the scale was so nice to me this morning... I'm down three pounds this week!

    I managed to salvage my water intake yesterday and am glad to report I exceeded my goal.

    Only bad thing is I have to check in with the doctor today, too. He'll be ecstatic with my weight loss so far, but unfortunately he won't get to see that additional three pounds since my appt. is at 3 in the afternoon.:grumble: I'll have eaten twice and drank a lot before that time. That extra weight will be counted in addition to the 1.5-2 pounds extra I always get for wearing clothes (since at home I'm an undie-weigher :blushing: ) But I'm still hoping for him to be able to record a 10 pound difference, and that'll be decent enough.

    How about you guys?? I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Shelley130
    I don't take the chance!! Those undies could weigh pounds!!
    Nude weighing is the only way for me :laugh:
  • leshawnturner
    Rude people are stupid people and they are everywhere unfortunately and I don't know who told them it was okay to talk out loud!!!:noway: Keep doing what you are doing because in the long run you'll be happier than they will ever be!!:drinker: I've had a really rough week this week. I'm up 2lbs after I was down 1lb at the beginning of the week!!!:cry: The scale is starting to really hurt my would be different if I wasn't watching what I was eating and killing myself working out (I did a 52 min FIRM workout yesterday that was a beast!!!!). BUT I AM!!!!! Tomorrow is my tough day with workouts (Zumba in the AM and FIRM in the PM) who knows maybe the scale will go back down after all of that...
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    happy friday everyone! i weighed in this morning at 191.0 (down 1.6lbs from wednesday, 2.2 lbs from last week), which i'm pretty happy with because i'm just a little bit closer to my short term goal of being under 190 by the end of the month!!! going to a concert tonight, so i'm hoping that all of my rocking out will burn more cals!!!

    make it a great day all!!!
    =) charity
  • Shelley130
    the scale and I have such a love hate relationship as well. Maybe try weighing just once a week to avoid the 1-2 pound roller coaster.

    191.0?!?!?! Yay! You're Awesome!!
  • BetterVersion
    happy friday everyone! i weighed in this morning at 191.0 (down 1.6lbs from wednesday, 2.2 lbs from last week), which i'm pretty happy with because i'm just a little bit closer to my short term goal of being under 190 by the end of the month!!! going to a concert tonight, so i'm hoping that all of my rocking out will burn more cals!!!

    make it a great day all!!!
    =) charity

    Congrats! Your total weight loss is truly inspiring, and to see you're still going at it gives me hope for when I get a little further along (I have a hard time imagining I can ever lose much more than fifty pounds.)
  • BetterVersion
    Rude people are stupid people and they are everywhere unfortunately and I don't know who told them it was okay to talk out loud!!!:noway: Keep doing what you are doing because in the long run you'll be happier than they will ever be!!:drinker: I've had a really rough week this week. I'm up 2lbs after I was down 1lb at the beginning of the week!!!:cry: The scale is starting to really hurt my would be different if I wasn't watching what I was eating and killing myself working out (I did a 52 min FIRM workout yesterday that was a beast!!!!). BUT I AM!!!!! Tomorrow is my tough day with workouts (Zumba in the AM and FIRM in the PM) who knows maybe the scale will go back down after all of that...

    I agree!

    I'm sorry to hear it's been a rough week for you. Keep it up and you WILL see it pay off. Do you ever use any other scales? I don't know which one you use, but perhaps it's time to replace it??? LoL- that's the first conclusion I always come to when I'm not seeing any losses for a time. The scale is my scapegoat, and is in constant threat of being replaced if it doesn't give me what I'm looking for! hahaha:laugh: :laugh:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hi, I'd love to join your group- but I started a weight loss challenge at work, and we weigh in on Mondays... Still, would like to be involved!
  • Shelley130
    Hi Mina

    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Right now I think we are weighing in on Fridays and everyone is making an effort to get their water in. Some are just going for the 8 glasses, others half their weight in ounces.

    You need to post a pic, I hate talking to that icon person :laugh:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I DO need to post a pic, but since I'm sneaking on here during work, I don't really have access to any. I'll try and see what I can do. ;)
  • BetterVersion
    Hi, I'd love to join your group- but I started a weight loss challenge at work, and we weigh in on Mondays... Still, would like to be involved!

    I don't think it would be a problem to just use whatever weight you have from Mondays to "weigh in" on Fridays... It would still balance out to be a weekly loss.

    Welcome to the group :happy:
  • leshawnturner
    Welcome to the group Mina!!! Glad to have you!!

    Alright guys, my idea for a challenge next week is in addition to getting in whatever your water goal is also get in at least 3 days of activity!!! It can be cardio or strength training or playing with the kids...whatever you want just do it!!! How 'bout it?? Any takers??
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I am in! :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am in too!!!!!
  • Shelley130
    Welcome to the group Mina!!! Glad to have you!!

    Alright guys, my idea for a challenge next week is in addition to getting in whatever your water goal is also get in at least 3 days of activity!!! It can be cardio or strength training or playing with the kids...whatever you want just do it!!! How 'bout it?? Any takers??

    I'll commit to Mon Wed Fri gym workout 60 min.