Hello out there in Weight Loss Land

cah0806 Posts: 112
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first post to MFP, but I joined back in the summer. Before joining, I lost 20 pounds - then gained a little back at the start of the school year. However, my sister told me about MFP and I have been spreading the good news since then. We have even begun "The Biggest Loser" at work. I am a special education teacher (which I love :heart: ), but it is very stressful and I cope by eating.

Actually, I handle every emotion by eating...happy - have some cake, sad - have some ice cream, bored - have some chips. What resulted was my highest weight since I was nine months pregnant.:sad:

I am 19 pounds from my goal, which I plan to meet by April because I am getting married! I am very excited. My fiance is nothing but encouraging and loves me no matter what size I am. He actually met me at my largest. I hope to continue with success ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Good luck to everyone out there. I have decided to take control - finally - and have made a true lifestyle change. I am going to be the "chubby one" no more!! :wink:



  • Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! That should give you a great incentive to stay on track! I had to giggle when I read your post. I, too, USED to cope with every situation with food. You forgot to add my favorite when trying to lose weight -- weigh and lose weight= eat to celebrate and weigh and gain weight or stay the same=eat b/c it is no use! Either way I ate!!! How sick is that! When I started this time, I went to a doctor and I only weighed each 2 weeks in his office. That helped me a lot. Since I started weighing at home, I seem to cheat a lot more. I'm thinking of throwing away my scale and go only by measurements and fat caliphers. I'm still a little dependant on that scale though.
    Any way, good luck to you. I love this site. It really helps keep me motivated on on track with my eating. Somehow knowing I have to chart it, makes me think twice about eating it! I allow myself 1-2 planned "cheats" each week. That seems to keep me from feeling deprived and going on an all-out binge! Stay strong and the results are the fun part!
  • gurl0411
    gurl0411 Posts: 41 Member
    awesome and congrats! It's definitely a good reason to lose weight.
    I can relate, I'm 20lbs from my goal and my bf met me at my heightest weight too and didn't even notice when i lost 20lbs the first time.
    i know you'll meet your goal
    good luck:)
  • hey,
    you mention in your profile that you had an eating disorder when you were younger. i just recently got over one (with a few relapses now and then) but i'm wondering how you got through it, etc. if you want to send a private message, feel free.:happy:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    I was 13 when it began (I am 30 now) and it lasted for about 3 years. I pretty much just stopped eating. I went from a size10 to a 2 in about 6-8 months and barely weighed 95 pounds. It was odd, but I really felt powerful when people would tell me how thin I looked or questioned how I could restrain from "pigging out" at parties. I also think it was the fear of growing up and freaking out about the changes my body was experiencing entering puberty.

    My parents basically had to monitor my food and watch me eat. I was not bulimic and would not throw up once I ate. I did try laxatives several times, but not consistently. I think it was just the support of my parents (and the threats of hospitalization) that finally woke me up.

    I saw a therapist for a little while and that helped as well. I think that I traded one disorder for another. I became an overeater and would eat in private - we're talking grotesque amounts of food.

    I still struggle and I just want to be normal (whatever that is :smile: ). I want food to be something that sustains my body and mind, not controls it. I honestly take one day at a time. My body image is something that I struggle with daily. I do not take compliments well and always criticize myself. I am working hard to change that because of my daughter.

    I use a journal and lean heavily on my faith. Having the support of a few close friends cannot be traded either!
  • that must have been rough: you should be proud of yourself for how far you've come.:flowerforyou:

    i used to have anorexic tendencies, which later led to late night binges ( i would starve myself all day and consume insane amounts of junk before bed) and sudden weight gain. it was terrible. after this, i became bulimic because i felt ashamed of the weight i was gaining ( i used to be underweight before the serious issues started).
    but it's now been about a year since i've considered myself recovered from bulimia. i don't binge anymore. although i still have tendencies of restricting my food intake and i don't know if this will ever change. but i think i'm at a good place now. i weigh 115 (i was 90 at my thinnest and 130 at my heaviest).

    although i'm still in college and i don't plan on having children for a long time, i also worry about them growing up with a bad self-image. but i personally think that children are the best motivators for us to be our best selves. so you're doing the right thing.

    thanks for the open talk.:heart:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    :flowerforyou: You're welcome.
    Anytime I can offer you words of encouragement, feel free to message me. I hope you have continued success.
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