Getting my butt back into gear...........

In the last year I have lost 37lbs for my wedding which was in May this year. Went on our honeymoon, ate at gorgeous restaurants everynight, put on a couple of LBS but nothing major. When I got back from my honeymoon i don't know what happened I just couldn't stop eating!!!!!! I've lost all control over my eating!!!! I have not weighed myself since the beginning of May and I'm sooooo scared to see what I've done to myself!!!! It all changes today, I've had a good day and stayed under my cals..only by 15 cals but hey its a start!! I'm currently sat here sipping green tea looking through success stories as this is what motivated me last time. I've got my copy of 30 day shred ready to blast out tomorrow!!! I'm going to do this!!!! Please feel free to add me if you've been in the same boat and need a friend to help you get back on the wagon :):)


  • Pudgebrownie
    Hey! I have no doubt you'll be successful - just keep focused and keep consistency.

    I'll add you, and if you're interested, join us in shredding 25lbs (or more) by the New Year, which is January, 1, 2013! Just search Groups: 25lbs New Years Shred Challenge