Need help increasing my Cal intake!

This is weird, and I know its going to sound like I'm bragging about how I eat under my calorie goal but I'm honestly not. I really need some help and ideas to help me be healthy and eat the right amount of food.

All of my previous diet plans have put me at 1500 cals a day and I'm comfortable with that, That's what I normally am hungry for when I'm not trying to drop some weight. I looked at the Road Map 2.0 thread and did the math and I'm supposed to eat about 1900 to 2400 (depending on the activity level. I work out for about 40 minutes 4-5 times a week but the rest of the time I'm sitting at a computer or reading so I'm going to try eating some more since it seems like I'm not eating enough..). Occasionally my net doesn't make it over 1200 cals and i KNOW that's bad.

I'm finding it difficult to find ways to eat 1900 cals without resorting to junk food/sweets or fast food (which I can't do it grosses me out now). Any advice?


  • Moxylein
    Moxylein Posts: 52
    Have some high caloric healthy food, e.g nuts. A handfull of them should be almost able to do the trick :)