Don't give up the ship!

I lost 70 lbs between exercise and diet. I hate the word diet and I dislike the scale just as much. I had so many ups and downs during my weight loss journey. I would become so depressed during periods of plateau until I figured out how to rise above it. I tried to not get too serious and found a way to laugh during this period.
Basically during any plateau all you have to do is change up your program a little. Add a little more cardio or add a class at the gym. What I would do would be to change my cardio program and eat more protein and my plateau would become a thing of the past. Muscle confusion works great for this problem also.. do not do the same muscle groups everyday... you have to change it up for your body to think about burning fat again. Your body gets used to schedule so you have to trick it.
I wrote about my experiences at the gym and decided to use video links to show examples of cardio/weight machines and to explain about those offered classes. I wish I had something like this when I started. I watch so many people come to the gym with the right idea but they never come back again because they felt self conscious and had no idea what they should be doing there. These are the people I would like to assist. My story is real and I hope that it helps!
One more thing... I tried to stay away from the scale and used my clothes as reference more often than not. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat so sometimes the scale can take away your motivation by giving you a false idea of your progress. :noway:


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello beccaswan69, all of those are great suggestions. WoW that's awesome on losing the 70 lbs before, I see that you only need to lose 10 lbs. Those seem to take the most to burn off from hearing so many people. I wish you the best of continued success in all your pursuits. :flowerforyou:
