From 210lbs to 160lbs Goal how do i get there

soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
What do you do, what exercises what duration are there any woman who are fit that started where I am at? I need to know the secret :) Its hard to breath, I am tired all the time, none of my clothes fit life just overall sucks right now. I had a six pack this time last year and this year alone I put on all that weight


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You need to start slow. Walk as long as you can. Every week, add a little more time. Eventually, start some other cardio (jogging, elliptical, a class, etc). Start strength training now - see if a personal trainer at you rgym can help you.

    Go at your own pace and don't worry about what anyone else can or can't do. This is about you. Do what you can do right now!
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    I started at 252 the frist of the year. Tracked all my food, drank lots of water, etc. Did not exercise at all until frist of April. I started walking. At first I did 3 times a week and added on until now I walk 3 miles 6 days a week. I do short intervals of running in between to spike my cardio. This has been hugely successful for me. Just do your best to stay positive and motivated and take it one day at a time. You can totally do this!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    You go slow and be smart about it. Think health. Do what you can and add when you feel it's possible. Anything you are doing now that you weren't doing before is good.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Well, I would plan on walking 30 minutes 3 times a week. Do some easy squats, jumping jacks, push ups and crunches 2 days a week. In a month, kick it up a notch and start C25K.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Honestly, logging my food here everyday and reading the message boards over time has helped me with tons of ideas so far. I have a similar goal.. I'm currently at 220 trying to get to 160 as well. Try new exercises, new foods and keep an open mind!

    There will be no secret.. more so finding the right combination of fitness/eating/etc that you can maintain. :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Weigh and measure your food and log it every day. It sucks at the start, but MFP has a great food database that you probably won't have to type in all the nutritional info for what you eat.

    LoraF83 is right about exercise.

    Starting out is hard, but it gets easier.
  • Allivall
    Allivall Posts: 37
    That's exactly where I started...210...and am at 162 now. It is possible! It took me about a year and a half and I slacked off some, so it may not take that long. I would have weeks where I'd lose 3 pounds and then weeks where I'd lose 0. Don't give up if you have those 0 weeks...just keep at it.

    I started out walking, doing leg lifts in bed, arm circles while standing around...then moved to the elliptical, treadmill and turbo jam. Foodwise, I started with weight watchers online. Basically amped up my veggies, fiber and protein and tried to minimalize as many processed foods as possible. Soup, salads, stir fries and veggie/meat omelettes.
  • ladysatin
    ladysatin Posts: 35 Member
    I had to do that before after baby #2. I got to 150 from 214. Now I am doing it again after baby #3. Really anything works. You have to keep track of your food every day. I found recently that planning my dinners out everyday helps. Keep like 1 box of a low calorie snack in your house that is preportioned so that if you find yourself wanting to snack it is there. Those 100 calorie packs are good. I did everything from walking the mall on my days off. I would hit the gym for 2-3 hours a day back then because I had the time. Now when I go out anywhere I am mainly just walking. Park farther back. Take the long route walking. I also do steps in my house on my stairs on the bottom step. Try different things on the tv like zumba or belly dancing which is really fun. Belly dancing is low impact but gets you up off the couch. Really try to stay with just losing 2lbs a week unless you are doing something with a dr or fitness instructor. I was losing over 5lbs a week before and actually got really sick so keep it low until your body gets used to it.

    Losing the weight only took me 4 months to do.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    What do you do, what exercises what duration are there any woman who are fit that started where I am at?

    Start slow. Walk at first, then add some higher intensity cardio (running, biking, whatever you want) and strength training. The best thing I did was get a personal trainer. I now run and lift weights several times a week, and do krav maga 3-4 times per week. Best advice is to find an activity you like and preferably find a reliable partner to do it with you! And, always track your food.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I started off at the same weight (well, 208, but close enough!) and I am now at 160.

    I've been eating super clean (low carb, high protein, lotsa veggies) and exercising 6 days a week - cardio and strength training. And...that's it really (not that it's been easy but I take it a day at a time!). It's taken me 4 months (and I still have 5 more lbs to go). I get out and walk a lot too - I'm lucky in that I can walk to and from work (a brisk 20 minutes each way - on top of my lunchtime work out which could be more cardio or strength training mixed with some cardio).

    It just takes time, dedication, eating healthy and exercising.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    a year ago i weighed 252. now, 170. i have been doing zumba twice a week and recently also started lifting/strength training.

    1. log everything and make good choices
    2. move as much as you can, whenever you can
    3. repeat

    good luck!
  • emmaonamission
    I started at 217, my goal is 160. I'm now 192lbs, so I'm getting there slowly. The thing that has helped me the most has been drastically reducing my portion sizes (my portion sizes used to be huge!), weighing out everything and logging it accordingly on MFP, drinking loads of water, and cooking everything from scratch.

    I do a bit of exercise, I walk everywhere (mainly because I don't have a car and public transport where I live is pretty dire!) and I occasionally do 30-40 mins on my exercise bike 2 or 3 times a week, depending on how I feel. I know I should do more exercise, and I'm working on finding something fun that I actually enjoy doing.

    So yeah...start slowly, keep your goal in mind (on my profile information I've plotted out the weight between where I am and 160lbs and I tick them off when I reach them, keeps me motivated) and enjoy the benefits of getting healthy (because it'll be hard at first but soon enough it'll start to feel amazing!)

    Good luck :)
  • porrasc
    porrasc Posts: 23 Member
    I started about 235 and the first thing I did was focus on what I was eating. I didn't worry about exercise till I had a good handle on the food I was eating. I did this because I have tried to lose weight before and did both diet and exercise and honestly I gave up it was to much to soon.

    Take one day at a time and remember you can do this!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I started at 210. I have been using our local pool to do some water jogging...really burns the calories. I am not to my goal (150) yet but I have lost 20 pounds in about 3 months, which is a good rate. I also watch my carb intake...limit my grains and refined sugars. You CAN do it!!
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43
    Everyone is different. you just need to sweat. Whatever you need to do to get your hear rate up. weight is always harder to get off but no one says it has to be all or nothing. You cant sit on the couch for a year and then get up and run a marathon. Start slow and strive to make every day better than the last.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    you'd be amazed at how quickly you will see results with just small changes. Each week, I try to find a new way to cool a recipe healthier- or omit something. Every week I push myself just a little harder with fitness. I started at 345, still on my way, lost 70, still going! I teach Zumba® classes now- 8-10 a week. I started at just taking 1 class, then 2, then 3. I also teach 4 different formats of the program, great for challenging myself and not allowing my body to become accustomed to the workouts. Also strength training- huge to long term success

    Being overweight is hard, working out is hard- choose your hard :wink:
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Thank you for all your ideas, I am trying to find something because I know I can run I was in the military the past 6 years so it wasn't optional...but I hate HATE running because it hurts right now. So I am trying to find something I can do until I am at that point where it doesn't hurt anymore. I also dont know what I should be cooking so I just have the hundred cal cereal bar for breakfast an apple for lunch and veggies for dinner, it seems that whenever i have regular food its bad for me or too high in calories...Any suggestions
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    1 day at a time and focus on all the good foods you CAN have and not what you're giving up. You can do it with perserverance but dejection will make it tough. Vow to keep positive NO MATTER WHAT!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    yes, try to start out with the idea of real who foods- sounds like you are not getting enough calories- an apple for lunch and veggies for dinner- what does veggies mean?

    The worst thing we can do is stop feeding our bodies, and that is what we do every time we restrict it.
    I usually have 1-2 eggs a morning and coffee, fruit as snack, big salad with chicken, turkey or tuna for lunch- and I make it really big with lots of veggies-lots of color, (careful on the dressings), and dinner is usually chicken, fish, (sometimes beef) and veggies. I use my carbs wisely- having them as snacks before teaching Zumba
  • m23gm25
    m23gm25 Posts: 157
    Be my fiend. I weigh 220 and my goal is 150, so maybe we can sort of compete and encourage each other. One thing I have found is this food tracking thing has really helped me control my eating. I am lucky I live out in the country and I have a nice 2.8 mile walk just to go around my "block". I am doing that 3-5 times a week. By winter I plan to buy an Eliptcal machine so I can keep up with the same amount of calorie burning. I'm 61yo and have rheumatoid arthritis.My neighbor is 84yo - she walks with me. If we can do it so can you. That 2.8 miles is mostly uphill! I burn 449 cal doing that. So come on girl get motivated!
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