Cleaning Stalls, Calories? Strength or Cardiovascular?



  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    What is exercise to your body is getting the heart rate up and using your cardiovacular energy system to power the muscles.

    And shoveling equine fecal matter does exactly that. It's not exactly scooping a cat box.

    Well I am going to check out a farm job cleaning sheep pens, pig pens and maby a couple stalls . I know for the sheep there are atleast 100 head so I can definitly be sure that I will ache from head to toe when I start that job lol sheep waste is very heavy lol and I will log it as gardening to make sure that I do not over eat but at the same time i will be packing extra fruit, veggies in my lunch. not to mention hauling hay for all the animals, bedding, feed and operating equipment , I will be sore for a few days lol.