Can I do a 3x5 routine on a deficit?

hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
I'm doing a 3x5 routine and I was trying to "bulk" a little for a couple of months but I think I'm getting a little too pudgy (lol) so I want to stop eating so much... but should I switch to another lifting routine or is the 3x5 (starting strength) still okay to do? I think I'm going to try and eat around 1900 cals... I was eating around 2300+ up until now. (my maintenance is right around 2000)


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The only thing different between a bulk routine and a cut routine is the diet, pretty much. You won't progress as fast on a deficit but you will still see strength gains over time.