Work out with Kidney Infection

Well I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. July 29 I started getting some really bad pain in my sides. I thought it was hip pain possibly bursitis and hoped it would go away. On August 3rd my work did a health fair where they did a free blood work up, so I did that. Well to this day my side pain has not gone away at all and is getting worse. I called the doctor early last week but the soonest they could get me in was tomorrow. So I took it. Today I got a copy of my blood work and saw where it was throwing indicators that I have a kidney infection or damaged kidneys. So now I'm thinking it's not really my hips that hurt but my kidneys which also explains why at night I'm practically in love with my heated seats in my jeep and why my back has been bugging me lately too.

I've noticed that some of my harder work outs, as of late, are getting hard to finish as the pain from this is getting to me big time. And it makes sense as my work out dvds I'm doing that allow for a pause to drink water. If it's the kidneys and they want water, they get mad, hurt me worse etc.

My goal was to work out before I went to the doctor so 1.) it would be easier to get to the sore spots especially if we had to by touch, 2.) So if she did give me something I wouldn't miss my work out for the day, and 3.) To try and get the best reading on this.

But now I'm not sure I should. Any thoughts?