
Hello there!

I've lost a total of 33 pounds, but I still have 25 or so to go. This has been a long journey to say the least! I have lost weight in the past quickly, but it always came back (and then some). I would love some new friends who are on the same path. I am getting a little bored with food lately, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck everyone on your weight loss goals!



  • Hi Andrea! I've used My Fitness Pal in the past, but I'm impatient and give up too easily, so I'm pushing myself this time.

    I too am getting VERY bored with food! I had gastric bypass 6 years ago, so I'm focusing on high protein/ low carb foods. Which can get very dull, considering I don't like a lot of meat (not a vegetarian, I just don't like it!). I did find some interesting foods with Hungry Girl...I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but she has awesome substitutes (like green peppers cut into little triangles, baked with low fat cheese and topped with fat free sour cream and turkey bacon's like potato skins but SO much better for you).
    I even bought her books (and I'm super cheap)!

    Good luck to you for the other 25...I'm aiming for 100!!!!!!