Hello ever thinning friends!

Well, I am Melita.
Back in 2005 I used to think I was heavy. Huh, I would really love to get back to that type of "heavy". I used to do very physical labor and I remember having a hard time finding women's clothes that had big enough arm openings because of my big manly biceps. I decided to go to college so I quite my job (the stress after doing that was so great that I literally had my hair start falling out, which of course added to the stress. Go figure) So I went to college, ate and graduated in 2009 with a degree and lots more of me to love. I landed my dream job which is a lot of office work and I find that one of my desk drawers has enough food to sustain me through a zombie apocalypse- minus the artillery and weapons which we all know would be needed, but my employer discourages axes and such in the work place. Sorry I digress. I am hoping to lose about 30#. I would love to have friends to share with, be encouraged by and accountable to. I love wine and some times do whine, chocolate, sushi (now don't judge unless u have tried it, some of it is cooked) my big scooter, ( I did have a Magna 700 but got tired of all the shifting) reading and making people laugh. Happy weight loss all!


  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome! There are some awesome people on here, and I know that I have found this site and the phone app tremendously helpful in helping me to realize exactly what I'm eating, and more importantly, HOW MUCH. Anyone who likes wine and chocolate is okay in my book! Friend request sent.