Runners with HRMs

Does this calculator (the one by speed) jive with the HRM data for your last run? I’m looking for a way to more accurately calculate my calories burned without having to buy anything and am hoping this might be the ticket.


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's OK, but it doesn't take into account changes in terrain. It uses standard ACSM equations to calcluate intensity, so I don't know that it is any better than MFP tables (which use the same formulas, I believe).

    One thing: I would use the speed calculator not the distance. I put in a speed of 6 mph for 60 minutes (which would equal a 6-mile run), but when I put in "6 miles" into the distance calculator, the number was about 15% lower. They should have been the same.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    There isn't anything that's 100% accurate. I just read about a study that said even HRM's can be about 30% off. That the HRM's were actually the least accurate. (ETA: Sorry, that's wrong Eliptical machines were the least accurate, HRM's were second) (take that as you will, I'd never be able to find the study now)

    That being said, I have been using the online calculators (speed) and that works for me.
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    Pretty much Same'ish for me. Although, its not 100% accurate but more or less similar for me. (P.S. I think the same formula is used by my treadmill as well)