Winter alternatives to running and outdoor exercise



  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I would get some DVDs and follow a programme like Turbo Fire, 30DS, P90X etc.

    Or if your super poor and a bit cheeky - there's a TORRENTial amount of free ways to get these things on the internet...:drinker:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Does your college have a gym facility on campus? <-- usually free to students.

    Invest in work-out DVD's.
    Find a cheap gym (students are often offered deals like $10/month, etc.).
    Make up your own circuit routine to do at home (plyometrics, calisthenics, etc <-- all use body weight).

    You should still have time when you're doing classes full-time, I'm sure you can spare 30-60 minutes, 4-5 days per week to exercise a bit. I was going to Graduate school full-time, working full-time, and I have two dogs to care for and I still managed to go run or work-out 4 or 5 days per week. Time management is key.

    This. ^^^ If it's important, you will make time. I work 2 jobs, one of which is an hour commute each way AND I go to school full time. If I can work out, you can. I live in Virginia so it doesn't get SUPER cold here but I run outside all winter. The great thing about winter is you can bundle up, and as soon as you're moving it's warm. I grew up in Minnesota and knew people who ran outdoors year round, even 20 below zero. There are little treads you can put on your shoes to run on ice and layers to keep you warm. If it's important to you, you'll find a way.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I still run in the winter. I find running in the winter easier on my body then in the summer. I do not deal well with heat. You just have to learn to dress appropriately, and remember that once you start running your body increases about 10 degrees.

    Google 'BODYROCK'!! Tons of free workout videos online.

    As well, there are loads of other sites that offer free workouts - check out some of the top sites at the link below:

    Search 'ZWOW' on Youtube. She has some GREAT workouts.
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    hookers and blow.. simple really..
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I live in Northeast PA, which is pretty cold in the winter, and greatly prefer running in the cold to running in the heat. When your'e running, it feels about 20 degrees warmer (F)... so that 0C will feel like 11C once you get moving.
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    Does your college have a gym facility on campus? <-- usually free to students.

    Invest in work-out DVD's.
    Find a cheap gym (students are often offered deals like $10/month, etc.).
    Make up your own circuit routine to do at home (plyometrics, calisthenics, etc <-- all use body weight).

    You should still have time when you're doing classes full-time, I'm sure you can spare 30-60 minutes, 4-5 days per week to exercise a bit. I was going to Graduate school full-time, working full-time, and I have two dogs to care for and I still managed to go run or work-out 4 or 5 days per week. Time management is key.

    ^^^ this. When I was back in school I recorded my difficult classes. Time on the treadmill or elliptical is a great way to review the material and meet your exercise goals.
  • kellyemb
    kellyemb Posts: 18
    Don't stop runnning outside!!!! I love winter running! All you need is a really good pair of thermal running pants, thermal shirt, a running coat thats not too heavy, a hat and gloves and you're good to go!!!!! When all of my running friends told me this back when I started I thought they were crazy.... but.... I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign up for a couple 5K's to keep you motivated!! The adrenaline rush you get and the sense of accomplishment is a great motivation!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    First time posting here :smile: I think you guys and girls will know best.

    I recently (week and a half ago) started loosing weight and exercising again. It is going great and I don't want to stop when it gets too cold to rund and exercise outsine. I know if I stop I will be too lazy to start again in spring.
    So here is the problem: I'm a college student. That means two things:
    1. I will not have a lot of time when classes start again
    2. I don't have enough money for gym memberships or something similar.

    I'm sure you have some great suggestions for cheap/free indoor exercise :smile:

    How about your local YMCA? They have financial aid available. Just ask for an application. Worth your time. Best of luck in your journey.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i run outdoors in the winter. long underwear for your legs and layers on top are key. if you keep your core warm, you can withstand the cold better. depending on how cold it is i wear a underarmour thermal, a longsleeved work out shirt over that, a vest, and a hat and a scarf.

    make sure to drink plenty of water. little known fact, dehydration is actually more common in the winter, as people don't feel as thirsty, but your body is needing more water to help keep it warm.

    running in the cold also burns more calories.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Run when you can anyways! I live in Utah. It gets really cold and snowy. I can run still as long as the roads are not icy. They are for a couple of months which is frustrating. My main problem is not having enough light in the day to get out when my husband is home with the kids. Anyways, just try to get out there when you can before or after school. See if your school has a campus gym. It should be free! And get a good workout video to do at home. Or another great one is They are free, short GOOD workouts!!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    Love doing things outside in winter, but I agree about the cold rainy days (my least favorite weather is when it is raining at like 35-40F). It is hard to go out in that weather, as it seems a lot colder and it seems to seep into your bones. Many colleges have gyms taht you are probably already paying for. In addition to the online videos and workout videos, check out your library (maybe the town one instead of the college one) for free to cheap ones. Look at the local Y or community centers for activities, start swimming. Depending on your schedule, take a 'PE', dance, or martial arts class or join an active club/society, join an inter-mural team, or bowling league (low exercise, but still). Check with student services for other ideas. Oh so many possiblities
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Unless the snow is actually deep enough you can't run through it, put on another layer of clothes and run faster!

    Avoid icy conditions though - I tore the tendons in my shoulder landing after a slip while running on ice.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    We are well below 0C here in the winter. Dress in layers and go outside. I run all winter long. There was less than a handful of days scheduled run days that I couldn't get out.

    I actually prefer it.
  • MCproptart
    MCproptart Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there,
    I have just the opposite--how to keep motivated and moving when it's too hot to be outside. It's been 112-115 F every day for the last week or so. Plus I'm working 10 or so hour days and commuting 1/2 hour on either end. BUT--if there's a will, there's a way, and I refuse to go to bed owing myself calories.

    Here are some things that I do when it's just too hot to be outside (even in the pool):
    1. Jog around the house. When I lived in the dorms back in college, I'd do a lap across one floor, go up or down a flight of stairs, do a lap across, another flight of stairs, etc.
    2. Wii Fit Exercises: I purchased the Wii Fit so that I'd have an at home recovery tool from brain surgery/loss of balance nerve. I have found that, when I'm loyal to dong the yoga/strength parts every day, I can really feel it in my core. It is not a calorie burning giant, but I miss it when I don't do it.
    3. Old fashioned calisthenics--remember back to all those warm-ups the gym teacher had to do before you could play the sport? Arm circles, push-ups/planks, sit ups, etc. Plus, if I'm watching a movie or something, I'll do the exercises from the Wii fit standing in the living room in front of the TV.
    4. Free fitness room: My apartment complex has a wee little fitness room: one weight machine, two elliptical machines, two treadmills, and a stationary bike. My knees don't like the elliptical machine, but the bike is an efficient calorie burner.

    Hope this gives you some good winter ideas. :)
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started running in February. As soon as temperatures went above 5C I was like "WTF it's getting way too hot"....
    We haven't had much rain this year (yet) but even that isn't as bad as you'd think. You might need an extra pair of running shoes though, to let the first one dry out properly...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    "Too cold to run outside"???

    No such thing (unless you live in Antarctica) if you dress properly for it. Where I live it's hot in the summer (hit 40°C this year) and cold in the winter (-35° to -40°C during the coldest part of the year) and I run outdoors all year 'round.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I had the same problem when I lived in Michigan.

    1. Run outside, unless it is icy. Even running in the rain is just fine, just be careful to not slip on wet leaves.
    2. workout videos -d o it as soon as you wake up. Sleep in your workout clothes, DVD ready to go, shoes by your bed. You have to get dressed and ready for work/school anyway, so it really only adds the length of the workout into your day - no driving to the gym or whatever. That is how I managed tow ork out 5 days a week when I was in school!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I am looking forward to winter running. 0C is a great temperature. I've run down to almost 0F before.
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    I'd say run out side, or buy a outdoor cycle and cycle. I cycle outside everyday, whether it's -10 degrees C raining or plus 30 degrees C. No such thing as bad weather, just poor choice of clothing.

    This. We moved from Libya to Calgary two years ago. Talk about change in climate. Rather than staying in over my first winter, I dressed better and kept hiking outside. Secondary benefit, when you get outside a lot in the depths of winter, it's easier to feel warm inside the house. So keep up with the outdoor exercise when you can! It 's great!
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    How cold is too cold? Granted, I live in Maryland, which is temperate relative to a lot of places, but I can usually run outside most of the winter unless there's a substantial amount of snow on the ground. It doesn't take a ton of extra clothes to keep warm while running.

    I live in Maryland too and want to run outside when it gets cooler. My problem is it really hurts to breath with the cold air. I was running outside until we had that 100 degree streak and then moved my workouts to the treadmill and my gym, which has an indoor track.