Opinions About Yoga?

HI! So, I've been trying to get back into the state my body was in just 5 years ago. I used to be really flexible, but I've stiffened up a lot. Basic yoga has now become very hard for me, but I'm trying to get back into it. I'm only 22. Does anyone think it's possible to undo all the damage that's been done by inactivity, and actually regain my flexibility? Also, I was sent some "info" from my mom--no idea how accurate it is--but she informed me that yoga isn't at all healthy, and even if I did want to pick it back up, that I'll never get back the flexibility I had. I'm just looking for opinions. As to the health factor I just mentioned, the article she sent said that yoga is based on holding stretching poses for long periods of time. I only remember holding poses for like 30-45 seconds, but that was in school. Anyway the article said that holding those poses for longer than 15ish seconds does more harm than good to the body. Is this true? If anyone is interested, I can see if I can dig it out of my email and post it in here for reference. Thanks very much all, and have a terrific day!


  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am not yoga expert, but I will say that yes, you can get MORE flexible than you were before. You have not done any irreperable damage to your body by simply being inactive. I am certainly biased, but I would recommend spending time lifting weights and doing a quick full body stretch afterwards.
  • tigerpenguin
    tigerpenguin Posts: 15 Member
    OMG!!! Yoga is Amazing for you! It tones your entire body, increases your flexibility and is very relaxing which also helps in weight lose and over all health. You bet your *kitten* you can get your flexibility back!
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Since starting my weightloss journey, the only workouts that I have been doing have been Yoga. Having NEVER been flexible my entire life, I can debunk your mother's comments and that e-mail you are referencing. I have never seen these results in all of my working out (of course, I need to caveat that with my workouts before - I never changed my diet or watched calories) - but nonetheless, I have scared myself with what I can do and how flexible I have become.

    To help get some motivation - go to YouTube and search DDPYoga Results - there have been other threads in here that reference the same results.
  • skinnierjeans
    skinnierjeans Posts: 21 Member
    Vinyasa yoga is my ultimate workout. I burn over 350 calories in just over an hour, not to mention the toning, flexibility, and mental benefits. Other power yogas can also burn tons of calories in one session.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    You can improve your flexibility with yoga at any age as long as you don't have any skeletal problems, then you need the supervision of a physiotherapist. So go for it and don't get discouraged, your flexibility will improve day by day.
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Check out on YouTube Arthurs Story - DDP Yoga......proof right there that yoga can help!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yoga rocks! It started as a post-injury workout for me, and now it's part of my normal routine. So much, in fact, that I don't even log it as exercise anymore. Mostly I do flow yoga so there isn't a lot of holding of poses. Yes, you'll regain flexibility. Yes, you'll get a good workout if you give it 100%. If we search for it, we can find "don't do it" information for everything healthy! If you enjoy it, just do it!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I would love to see that article. Would you post a link? I've never heard of holding stretches longer than 15 seconds being bad for your body. It's not uncommon for me to hold poses for 2 minutes or more.

    Here's an article with some of the benefits:

    Please send me the article, even if you want to PM it.
  • I have a place that I go to that specializes in "not so hot yoga." Bikram yoga heats the room to 115 degrees and this type heats it to 85 degrees. I would suggest trying something like that. I am not flexible at all and I have really benefited from this type of yoga. I am a chronic plantar fasciitis sufferer and it helps to keep my calves loose.
  • I happen to love yoga, and my doctor even recommended it for the issues I have with my back. And it has definitely helped with me with flexibility since I started. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I love yoga. I injured my back last year and it hurt to walk for long distances and up hills. I figured I just needed time but the pain wasn't going away after a year. I started doing yoga and within a couple weeks, the pain disappeared and hasn't come back.

    I had stopped doing yoga for the past couple months but this past week, I woke up with a stiff neck and it was hard to move my arms/turn my head and I was using everything I could to help (ice, heat, ibuprofen, stretching, massage) but it was only getting slightly better. I decided to try yoga and that fixed the issue.

    With any exercise, when you start, you aren't going to have it mastered. You will improve though. Keep at it.
  • anastasiaBH
    anastasiaBH Posts: 268 Member
    I'm not an expert either, but the last time I did a back bend (wheel pose), I was probably 7 years old.

    I'm doing them now, at 43. (not pretty, but getting it done.)
  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there. I'm not an expert on yoga at all. I've tried it many times but have serious issues trying to have the patience for it since it's so low key. I would say, though, that it's really just like any other physical activity. It can be safe and good for you or really dangerous. Anything in moderation and that you ease into slowly will probably have positive benefits for your body. However, it is possible to overdo it even in yoga. I did just that with Bikram (hot) yoga. I felt like my muscles were so warm and flexible I pushed a stretch way to far and have never hurt my lower back so bad in my life. I will never do Bikram again and, as I said, I just don't have the patience for other types of yoga. But bad for you? No, I don't really think that's true.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I am doing Yoga as part of my P90X program. About 300 lbs when I started, so you can imagine I wasn't all that flexible... I am in my 5th week now and I can say that I am MUCH more flexible because of the yoga... it is hard, but it is worth it, in my opinion. You feel great afterwards... IF it wasn't for the p90x i would have never even tried yoga, but now I know that it is an excellent workout.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I am a big fan of yoga. You wont get injured if you use proper form and only go as far as your body will let you. Pushing past where you can safely be is what hurts.
    I have always been pretty flexible, and while yoga does have an element of flexibility to it, IMO depending on which poses & movements you are doing, it's not going to make you very flexible very quickly. Nor should it.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    yoga = WIN! I love yoga! I started it when my company offered to bring in a yoga teacher for a discounted rate. And I'm so happy I started! I never want to stop because I love how much stronger and flexible I've become because of it. There are some poses and such that I find difficult because of high BP and various other things. So the teacher gives me alternatives moves to do. I highly recommend yoga to everyone!
  • When I decided to start yoga, my first DVD was the Rodney Yee AM/PM Yoga for beginners as it was easy to follow. The workouts are about 20-25 minutes, including a short meditation at the end. Some forms of yoga hold poses for longer periods of time, others, such as Power Yoga move through moves much more quickly and provides a cardio workout.

    It is very important to listen to one's body and not be afraid to use props such as foam bricks or straps, especially when starting. It's stretching too far too fast or forcing moves that cause damage.

    I really enjoy doing yoga now, regaining significant flexibility.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I love yoga and think that being flexible and having a strong core have helped keep me from being injured in other physical activity. Plus I can fold myself up into small places :)
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I love yoga. Start with a gentle yoga class. You'll love it.

    Check out this article for a more balanced viewpoint: http://www.prevention.com/fitness/yoga/yoga-injuries-and-how-prevent-them

    In a nutshell, yoga CAN cause injury but mostly its due to pushing oneself too far and not listening to one's body and/or doing the poses incorrectly. Take it slow and enjoy the wonderful stretch!!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you are truly interested in learning about the validity of claims made for yoga, there is a book "The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards," by a New York Times reporter, William Broad.
    As I recall, he mostly debunks the claims that yoga advocates make for the practice -- for example, it is not a great way to burn calories. But, he concludes that many people like it, think they get some appreciable benefit and feel better doing it, so it is probably a good thing.
    There are researchers, notably Daniel Siegel at the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, who say there is compelling evidence that the breathing and meditative practices of yoga change the mind in ways that looks like spiritual enhancement.