Grocery Store tonight, how to not spend a fortune?



  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    1) I go to a couple different stores to get what I need. If a store has something on sale, I will go there to get it instead of my regular store. This is only convenient if you have several stores in close proximity to each other.
    2) Do you have a farmer's market? If so, get your produce from there. It's usually cheaper and locally grown which feeds your local economy instead of giant corporations :)
    3) Shop the perimeter. Everything up and down the aisles is pretty much processed junk any way.
    4) buy stuff to cook your own meals. Buying pre-packaged meals (which tend to be super bad for you anyways) is expensive.
    5) Buy in bulk. If a store has a really good deal on chicken for example, buy some extra and freeze the rest. Also, when it comes to meat many stores will mark down the price if it's a day away from expiration. Buy it and use it that night or freeze and use it later.
    6) Fresh produce is one of the most inexpensive things and soooooo healthy! Stock up!
    7) Take cash and leave your credit cards/check book at home. If you want to spend $100 on groceries, only take that much money with you, that way you can't over spend!
  • unicornsXglitter
    Holy cow - what fantastic responses - I am still working on my will power for sure - like right now, I could eat a whole box of cookies because I didn't indulge last night - but I feel so healthy this morning!

    One thing I don't do that I need to learn how to do, is use leftovers. I'm the kind of person who likes to eat everything and have something fresh the next day - am I being too picky?

    Definitely planning on sticking to the outer walls - great idea and haven't thought of that in a while! And demanding that the boyfriend stay within the child's seat for crap he needs lol :)
  • EBBarbie
    I always use my leftovers. I usually plan a second meal around them for example, if a ham is on sale for cheap, I will buy enough to have a ham dinner and then use the leftovers for sandwiches, ham and beans, ham and macaroni, etc. We also save money by having my husband take leftovers to work for his lunch. He is usually the envy of all the guys who just have sandwiches. I hate wasting food and money.