Cocoa Powder - Best one



  • I have added the Hersery special dark powder to my greek yogurt and some peanutbutter and strawberries and nice dessert!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I love the Trader Joe's one but it is seasonal so only available in fall/winter.

    The seasonal cocoa at Trader Joe's that I have seen is mix for sipping chocolate. Regular cocoa powder I can find there year round.
  • dgbj
    dgbj Posts: 1
    When I decided to be intentional in adding cocoa to my diet for its health benefits I bought regular Hershey Cocoa. Because Cocoa is bitter in taste I have looked for creative and easy ways to add it daily. To be sure I have a least one serving a day I add it to the one and only cup of coffee I drink each day. I do not drink coffee black so the cocoa alone would not make it very palatable to me, but when I add only a little Nestle Italian Sweet Creme and it taste incredible!!! DO NOT get the Dutch Chocolate it may taste a little less bitter but you lose some of the health benefits. I read that cocoa can also be added to yogurt, frozen yogurt, mixed in with smoothies or even added to chili. Anyone else got some ideas for quick, easy and healthy ways to add more cocoa to your diet?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    bump for later
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Green and Black's is my favorite dark chocolate and they make cocoa powder as well.
  • What do I do with cocoa? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Think my favorite is porridge, cocoa porridge goes so good with other things too; banana, coconut, cherries and almonds. I put cocoa in pizzerts, and also makes a great cheesefakecake (you know the ones made with greek yoghurt and tofu? fibreone/allbran base, nom), cocoa custard, greek yoghurt. ah how I love cocoa. Did you notice? Never really eat chocolate though.
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