Anyone have experience with Nike Fuel wrist band

I was wondering if anyone has experience with the Nike Fuel Band. I am getting ready to buy either a Polar HRM or this Nike Fuel Band. Pros and Cons?


  • BrownDogFudge
    BrownDogFudge Posts: 3 Member
    I just got the Nike Fuel band and I think it's pretty cool. It really depends on what you want the device to do. The Fuel Band is good for wearing all day and giving you something to aim for. People generally are critical of the Fuel Band because it does not accurately count calories and steps. Those folks are right. It's not as accurate as something that measures heart rate like the Polar products. I don't care about knowing exactly how many calories I've burned. I wear mine and at the end of the day if I haven't hit my goals for Nike Fuel for that particular day, I go for a walk or something to earn more "points." It makes being active a game. If you are looking for something to accurately tell you how many calories you are burning during a specific exercise period, the Nike Fuel Band is probably not for you. My wife just got the fitbit and so we're trying that out in our house as well. In the end, they are all just gadgets. If they give you some incentive to be active, get healthy then why not. Like I said, I like my Fuel band. Is it worth $150? Probably not. The Fitbit at $100 may be a better deal. In fact I almost went with the fitbit but couldn't see myself remembering to clip it on each morning. The Fuel Band is more like a think "Livestrong" band. It's more of a natural thing for me to put on in the morning. I thought I would probably just lose the fitbit or leave it on the dresser in the morning. Sorry if this is a bit rambling and not particularly helpful, just my initial thoughts. All of these devices have their pros and cons. It really depends on what you want it to do.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I just got the Nike Fuel band and I think it's pretty cool. It really depends on what you want the device to do. The Fuel Band is good for wearing all day and giving you something to aim for. People generally are critical of the Fuel Band because it does not accurately count calories and steps. Those folks are right. It's not as accurate as something that measures heart rate like the Polar products. I don't care about knowing exactly how many calories I've burned. I wear mine and at the end of the day if I haven't hit my goals for Nike Fuel for that particular day, I go for a walk or something to earn more "points." It makes being active a game. If you are looking for something to accurately tell you how many calories you are burning during a specific exercise period, the Nike Fuel Band is probably not for you. My wife just got the fitbit and so we're trying that out in our house as well. In the end, they are all just gadgets. If they give you some incentive to be active, get healthy then why not. Like I said, I like my Fuel band. Is it worth $150? Probably not. The Fitbit at $100 may be a better deal. In fact I almost went with the fitbit but couldn't see myself remembering to clip it on each morning. The Fuel Band is more like a think "Livestrong" band. It's more of a natural thing for me to put on in the morning. I thought I would probably just lose the fitbit or leave it on the dresser in the morning. Sorry if this is a bit rambling and not particularly helpful, just my initial thoughts. All of these devices have their pros and cons. It really depends on what you want it to do.

    What he said, except i do use mine to record how many calories i have burned... I think i have been using mine for six months now. My husband uses a fitbit and loves it... I like that it is a bracelet and it looks like a black fashion accessory. It is fun to sync and see how i compare to people in my age group. I dont have time to block an our each day. Xfor exercise so the band reminds me to stand up and move!