Committing to a Healthier Lifestyle

Hi everyone,

All my life, I've struggled with weight. I was always "curvier" than the other girls in school. In college, I managed to stay relatively thin until my life hit rock bottom in 2000. Since then, I've managed to gain over 100 pounds. After two kids, I'm ready to get this weight off! I lack energy most of the time, which is just awful. More than anything else, I know that I don't model the healthy behaviors that I need my kids to learn (I didn't learn them when I was growing up).

So, now I'm here and committed to making some lifelong, healthy habits for myself and my family. Accountability is a big thing for me. I'd welcome anyone interested in an accountability buddy. Good luck to everyone here. Hopefully, I'll have some successes to celebrate in the near future.:flowerforyou:


  • calvarado
    Good job! Congrats on making the decision to set a great example for your family!! It's hard to muster up the energy to follow through on some days. I think that's just normal for humans, period!! This site has been very helpful in inspiring and encouraging me- and I take it day by day... sometimes hour by hour!! Hang in there- you can do it!!:happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hi everyone,

    All my life, I've struggled with weight. I was always "curvier" than the other girls in school. In college, I managed to stay relatively thin until my life hit rock bottom in 2000. Since then, I've managed to gain over 100 pounds. After two kids, I'm ready to get this weight off! I lack energy most of the time, which is just awful. More than anything else, I know that I don't model the healthy behaviors that I need my kids to learn (I didn't learn them when I was growing up).

    So, now I'm here and committed to making some lifelong, healthy habits for myself and my family. Accountability is a big thing for me. I'd welcome anyone interested in an accountability buddy. Good luck to everyone here. Hopefully, I'll have some successes to celebrate in the near future.:flowerforyou:

    Hi! and welcome!!
    This website is GREAT!!!!
    I would like to invite you to our group on here ... JUNE STARTERS... Just look for one of our posts and jump in.... I originially started the group for everyone starting or recommitting during the month of June... BUT we have so much to offer that I feel selfish keeping it so selective. This group is full of amazing women who motivate me, inspire me and hold me accountable. You'll fall in love with our group. Would love for you to join us :smile:
    Just check through the posts for anything with JUNE STARTERS in the title :happy:
    Tell 'em KandyJo sent you :laugh: