Retain 5lbs of water?

Hello all!!! Last weekend I was extremely happy when I weighed myself and realized I'd lost another 2lbs for a total of 4lbs in about 3 weeks! Then yesterday... I weighed myself and I'd put on 5 lbs! I'm ashamed of putting that into MFP. My husband says I've probably retained 5lbs of water but that doesn't seem right to me. Anyone think that's actually possible? I've been working my little butt off exercising and I've been sticking to my diet so it's hard for me to think that I may have gained weight.


  • 05saleengirl
    Did you just start adding in the exercis? Add in weights? Increase the weight? How about eating anything salty or is it near TOM? All of these can cause me to retain water. And yeah, 5 lbs is possible. Are you on meds for the thyroid issue...if my meds are off it's tough. Im in a battle with it all myself right now.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    This is why I hate the scale. How do your rings fit? Are your hands bloated? Then it's probably water. Otherwise, break out a tape measure and use that as your guice, or your jeans. If my jeans are a bit loose, I'm in the zone. If they are snug, then it's time to tighten up and burn some calories.
  • BlueJess7
    BlueJess7 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not on thyroid medication and I haven't made a major change this week in diet or exercise. However, I am near TOM!!! I didn't even think of it! And also, my rings are a little snug. I'll wait another week and see if the weight comes back down. Here's hoping!!!
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    Actually my roommate and I had this conversation last night. She said last week she freaked out because she weighed herself and she was 12 pounds heavier. She assumed some of it was water weight, but not all. She figured she gained like 5-6 pounds. She weighed herself 2 days ago and she was back to her original weight and did not understand how anyone has 12 pounds of water weight. I would give it a couple days to see.