Eating Out- How to Eat Responsibly?



  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I take advantage of going out as my 'treat'.

    Most of the restaurants we go to are local independent places, so finding calorie info is non-existent. So I stick to the following:

    *NO MAYO or any 'house sauce', I usually have a burger/sandwich 'dry' or use mustard
    *NO DRESSING or I ask for it on the side and dip my fork in the dressing, then the salad...I use a LOT less dressing this way, and I stick to vinegarette style dressings.
    *if whole grain/whole wheat bread is available, I get it
    *I choose salad over soup (unless it's a veggie soup)
    *I drink a big glass of water or iced tea before the meal
    *eat slower, and take smaller bites
    *get steamed veggies instead of rice/potatoes (if I have a choice of 2 sides, one will be a starch, and I take a few bites)
    *I eat 1/2 of my meal and box up the rest for lunch the next day

    If you eat healthy the rest of the week, don't worry that much about going out, I still love going to a greasy dive bar and eat all that comfort food (hell, last weekend, I ate poutine, fried cheese curds and Bacon mac & cheese), I just don't eat as much now.
  • NoahMcManus
    You have to go slow and try to read her body. Just go with the flow for the most part, but don't do anything like "the shocker" unless you've discussed beforehand if she's ok with it.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Eat AT MOST half of what they give you.

    This and then you have lunch/dinner for tomorrow while you're at it
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Self control, I let me self have a certain amount of calories for it. So when I get there I check the stuff I like on the App and see if it fits my calories limit.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am not a big fan of eating out. I would rather do something fun than go out to eat, but sometimes you have to. I stick with meals that I know are good and never eat the whole plate. Yea maybe my calorie count is gonna be off that day, but if you dont do often it doesnt really matter
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    Portion sizes at resteaurants are nuts....

    Order a steak and get two plates

    The wife and I have done that for some time now and have never been hungry after....
  • charbear94
    It is a huge hassle trying to eat out sometimes! I actually eat out at least once every single day (I am a commuting college student; my university's meal plan is actually way worse than any restaraunt near me!) so I understand how you feel. Especially with bothering others--every time I go out with my boyfriend or grocery shopping he gets a little annoyed with all the healthy food i am trying to buy.

    This is the best tip for eating out: grilled chicken with veggies is almost always safe! My mom recently went on a long vacation and actually lost weight eating out every day because she stuck to grilled chicken and fish, and steamed veggies. I understand though, that gets boring.

    So, generally just eat about half of what is on the plate. That's how I first began losing weight. Also, only order water to drink. you can consume an extra 500-600 calories in soda or tea without even realizing cause they just keep re filling that cup!

    Also, try to stay away from red meat and stick with white meat as much as possible. Red meat at most places packs a ton of extra fat, especially saturated, because it is usually a cheaper grade of meat so it isn't very lean.

    And here are some random tips to help:
    if you get cheese, get swiss or provolone. those are the 'healthiest' cheeses.
    if you get salads, try to get honeymustard dressing, not ranch!
    most restaraunts can do things like give you steamed rice instead of fried, grilled or boiled chicken instead of fried, and so on if you just ask.
    stay away from butter and pasta
    baked potatoes are always good :)
    if you go somewhere that serves bread before the meal, only eat one then get rid of the rest! you will be way too tempted to keep eating.

    hope some of that helped!! :)