


  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    You still have a pancreas right?

    If so, you're fine.

    The only way for sugars to be terribly bad for you is when you eat such an excess of them that your body starts to no longer respond properly to insulin. This is very unlikely to ever occur during a calorie deficit.

    Type II Diabetes has two completely different causes. The first is the body becoming resistant to insulin. This makes your insulin not function correctly in regulating your blood sugar. The second, which is more common, is that the body has gotten so large that the pancreas can no longer supply the body with enough insulin. Many times a person becomes very large and then also becomes insulin resistant.

    If you are in a calorie deficit, don't already have diabetes, and don't eat nothing but sugars, you are totally fine.

    Thank your pancreas.

    I agree