Former Late Night Snacker



  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Im so happy to see that so many people suffer from the same issue that i do.. well I guess its mean to say I'm happy. Let me rephrase.. I'm saddened by the plague "Stuff-My-Face-At-Night" has affected so many innocent people. HaHaHa

    Hey if any of you want to friend me .. go for it.

    It'll be nice to laugh at each other when we're all craving cookie dough ice cream or a snickers ..
    chips, reeses peanutbutter cups .. ok I have to stop. lol

    Anywho .. add if you need a friend. I always do
  • nyyankeedeb
    nyyankeedeb Posts: 10 Member
    Man your making me hungry....LOL

    I like to watch tv and with watching tv comes the do I love chips...its been a real challenge...I challenged my self to other things like instead of eatting chips....make some hot air pop corn with no salt or butter....
    then if I did have chips I challenged my self again to getting on my exercise bike and burn some calories to get them off...
    But like you said these are all habits we have created and somehow we have to change the habit....:smile:
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    Man your making me hungry....LOL

    I like to watch tv and with watching tv comes the do I love chips...its been a real challenge...I challenged my self to other things like instead of eatting chips....make some hot air pop corn with no salt or butter....
    then if I did have chips I challenged my self again to getting on my exercise bike and burn some calories to get them off...
    But like you said these are all habits we have created and somehow we have to change the habit....:smile:


    Sometimes we need help from others. They see our habits clearer than we do. Lets face it.. after we pig out we dont see much of anything while in that food coma.

    Friends on MFP will definitely keep me moving in the right direction.
    Only down 2 .. but that's 2 less than yesterday .. so As long as I'm moving forward .. I'm gonna keep on keepin' on.

    OMG .. did I just seriously say that? hahaha. I must be tired.. yep.. I'm tired (at work)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I always have been a late night snacker too. I'm usually very busy during the day so other than my planned meals/snacks - I don't have time to sit and just mindlessly eat but when I'm ready to relax and I'm not occupied - here come the munchies. Since I know I'm going to eat at night, I have my dinner fairly late, usually around 8pm and I save calories for a snack before bed. My snack is usually fairly substantial in volume (like bran crispbreads with nutella) and usually has a sweet component. Its helped a lot.
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Yeah, I've splurged on chips a few times since starting this, but wow when you put it in there and see that 19 chips is like 240 calories, well, there you go, this explains why your butt looks this way.... LOL. (Since who had only 19? more like 190...)

    I got this great dip at trader joe's 'reduced guilt' spinach/kale/greek yogurt dip, its so much lower in cal/fat than normal onion dip with sour cream, and its pretty good. Eating it with bits of cardboard... er, I mean, whole grain/flax seed crackers, which I actually count out...

    Read something in Bob Harper's book, going to try. Apparently one of his fav snacks is sliced cucumber with hummus. I like both of those, and like chips better, of course... but maybe it'll work...
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Okay, share the recipe for the homemade protein bars! :)

    As for late night snacking...some recommend that brushing your teeth after dinner helps. It doesn't do much for me though, because I know I can brush my teeth again. ha ha! But, I definitely agree with drinking lots of water. Don't drink so much that it disrupts your sleep pattern though! :)
    Okay just sent to you michwinger! For everyone else who's interested:

    3 C vanilla protein powder (or whatever flavor you prefer)
    2 C oats
    2 C crunchy peanut butter
    6 Tbsp honey
    3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    10-12 Tbsp water (or however you much you need for a good consistency)

    Mix the PB and honey in large bowl, microwave 45 sec and mix well. Add remaining ingredients and mix until well combined. Press into a 9x13 dish and refrigerate for 30 min. Remove from fridge, then cut up into 16 equal sized bars. I like to keep mine in the fridge because I think they taste better cold, but that would be up to you ;-)

    3 cups of protein powder??? Is that right!? It sure seems like a lot.

    I plugged all of this into the recipe creator here on MFP and here's the breakdown...

    Per Serving:

    That's if I got all the conversions correct...Hardly seems worth all those calories IMO.
    Yep! 3 cups of protein powder ;-) Don't knock it till you try it. This is the highlight of my daily food intake on a daily basis. To each his/her own, I guess?
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I'm going to have to try that. I ate a 500 calorie cookie this morning because I was "on the go"...that would have been much better--more protein/less calories!

    My problem is that I work nights, so I'm up and about and tired. That always adds to the snackiness. It's really hard when I have to go out and see patients--and many of the fast food places are open 24/7 now!
  • DietCuki
    DietCuki Posts: 44 Member
    Like everyone, I too have the late night snack problem. I usually don't eat much in the day, maybe popcorn and a coke which was bad because by the end of the day I would start shaking and I was starving and would just eat a big meal followed by yummy late night snacks before bed. I am starting to change that, trying to aim for the no food After 8 rule, so far water is cutting the trick.

    Good luck to all soon to be former late snackers!

    Add me if you'd like! I could definitely use more friends ;)
  • sethjeremy
    sethjeremy Posts: 9 Member
    I too stuggle with night eating... I work till 9:00 pm or so, and come home wanting to eat! I know that it's not the time to pile on calories, just before your body is shutting down to go to sleep. I have tried the drinking water to controle the hunger also... but then end up having to get up 3 or so times during the night to go to the bathroom... So I have been letting myself eat a sensible snack and make sure its satisfying... like choboni yogurt or something... I hate going to bed hungry!