Abilify and Weight Loss

I'm on several medications, but since I started taking Abilify I've gained 2 lbs and just cannot lose weight. I haven't gained more, but no matter what I do I can't seem to make the scale budge. Has anyone lost weight with Abilify and how did you do it? Any insight would be helpful. Thank you!


  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I take abilify, celexa, trazadone, wellbutrin, klonopin, neurontin, and the occaisonal xanax for major depression and panic disorder. All of these drugs, except the wellbutrin are well known to cause weight gain. I am now down by a total of 25 pounds.

    All I can tell you is to stick to your calories and exercise. You CAN do it. It will be harder, but in the end, it will be worth it. My weight contributed to my depression, and my depression contributed to my weight.

    Just remember that it CAN be done.