sugars and fruit?

I'm on the 1200 calorie plan and I'm having a devil of a time keeping under my system-recommended sugars. One glass of milk and one piece of fruit and bam, I'm done for the day.

In your own diet plan, do you focus just on added sugar, or do you pay attention to naturally occuring sugar (like that in milk and fruit)?

I had been eating on more of a WW system where fruit and veggies were considered unlimited, it was only refined foods you really had to watch, and so this has come as a huge eye-opener as to how out of whack my diet was. I would regularly eat 3-4 pieces of fruit a day. Grrr....


  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in the same 1200 calories/day. I don't count the natural sugars in fruits and veggies, however I do try and limit any others I come across. I have been looking at labels a lot and make sure it is less than 5 sugars per serving. I even have my boys (5 and 3) and husband eating high fiber oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice.
  • happythermia
    I eat fruit like it's going out of style. My sugar is always out of whack. So yeah. I pretty much ignore those sugars.
  • Goforitnow123
    I have also been eating a lot of fruit as part of the 1200 calories / day plan, and have not paid close attention to the sugar. I seem to be struggling to lose consistently. Any suggestions?
  • kmodrak
    kmodrak Posts: 13
    I guess my solution is to indeed count the sugars. As much as I am absolutely hating it - I am losing weight. I've swapped my fruit breakfast for egg whites, taken all sugar out of my coffee, etc. Darned if I'm not finally losing.

    Makes me wonder how anyone ever loses on WW which as I understand it allows unlimited fruit.