cant be arsed to go gym?

So ive just come back from holiday, I've put on a whole 5 pounds. Once seeing this as you can imagine my mood slumped but you would have thought it would have motivated to go to gym but I fact it had the opposite effect.

So I spent the whole morning justifying why I shouldn't go to gym. After 4 hours of convincing myself that I didn't need to go to gym today as I was fat, moody and tired somehow I ended up in my car driving to gym!

After which may have been my best gym session regarding strength training and really sweatting like never before I walked out feeling very sore ( love that feeling) and my mood had sky rocketed and I went home to clean the whole flat top to bottom.

This just proves that its mind over matter and if you WANT to lose the weight you will do it.

So any other ways you motivate yourselves guys so I don't have this issue again? :-)


  • Shange_Gully
    So ive just come back from holiday, I've put on a whole 5 pounds. Once seeing this as you can imagine my mood slumped but you would have thought it would have motivated to go to gym but I fact it had the opposite effect.

    So I spent the whole morning justifying why I shouldn't go to gym. After 4 hours of convincing myself that I didn't need to go to gym today as I was fat, moody and tired somehow I ended up in my car driving to gym!

    After which may have been my best gym session regarding strength training and really sweatting like never before I walked out feeling very sore ( love that feeling) and my mood had sky rocketed and I went home to clean the whole flat top to bottom.

    This just proves that its mind over matter and if you WANT to lose the weight you will do it.

    So any other ways you motivate yourselves guys so I don't have this issue again? :-)

    Set yourself a simple, routine.

    E.g. if ur doing weights, pick 1 or 2 exercises that are compulsory. 3/4 sets each- bare minimum. Easily doable. Then go home, or do more if you feel like it once your there.

    If you have a 100 set workout planned you're more likely to think **** it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    same as you, i want it - therefore I go. (cause im not lying when I say I want it)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Movement begets movement... If I'm active, I feel better and feel like doing the things I need to do, like cleaning, as you said, or mowing the yard, doing laundry, dishes, etc, etc

    If I don't get any exercise, I feel lethargic and want to pretend like I'm a chameleon blending in with the couch.

    I'm glad you went ahead and got to the gym. Having fitness goals helps you have something to shoot for other than a number on the scale. Set a goal for yourself (Run a mile or a 5k (3.1m) on the treadmill, do ___ chinups, pushups, etc), then lay out a plan to reach that goal that may include mini-goals along the way. And get to it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I couldn't be arsed... so I started setting up a home gym. :smile: I do my running outside and my lifting at home. Now there's no excuse because the commute to the gym is either a flight of steps out the back door or a flight of steps upstairs.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    Do you not believe in the word "the"...?
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    I couldn't be arsed... so I started setting up a home gym. :smile: I do my running outside and my lifting at home. Now there's no excuse because the commute to the gym is either a flight of steps out the back door or a flight of steps upstairs.

    Exactly. I can't be arsed to pay gym fees either.