Love or loath?

I loath them on me....personally I get urges to just chop them off>:) hehehe
Often I find myself staring into the mirror pointing out the things I want to change then, like repetition, I find myself pushing back my love handles to show are smaller person :( I loath loath loath them and can't seem to budge them, I know over time they will go but when I poke them and feel the fat it makes me want to just cry. They sit on the top of my bum making my hips look bigger than what they should be........GRRRRRRRRRRRR I just felt like getting that off my chest :( anyone with the same problem or know how to improve them a little faster??


  • ifallsupstairs
    Well I dont like them either. I'm told that they are a result of sitting around alot so I tend to lie on my bed when I use my lap top. Im not sure if that really helps, but I do know that strengthening your lower back can help zap the fat around there, but there arent many exercises that target that area.
  • sassyusername
    sassyusername Posts: 32 Member
    Ha, yep I totally understand the frustration and urge to just grab a knife and just cut them off. I know you can't spot reduce but I FEEL like my stomach area is tighter after I do some sprinting. It's probably just all in my head tho.