Need guidance please

OK, I need guidance please.

I'm a female, 26 years old, 5'3'' and this morning, the scale was showing 174.8.
2 years ago, I was at 196 pounds and had got down to 151 pounds. In a year only, I gained roughly 20+ pounds.
This time, I want to do things right and keep the weight off for good! My goal is, for now, to be at 130 pounds and once I get there, I'll see if I want to get below that number or not.

I am trying to be more active but honestly, I hate it. My heartbeat gets so high by just walking at a moderate pace. I have been training in a gym for 2 years now (I try to aim at 3 times a week, 1 hr is cardio and 30 minutes for musculation), but I haven't seen a lot of improvement in my cardio performance...I am still running out of breath when taking the stairs or walking a bit faster. I will soon start the C25K program see if it helps. A gym trainer followed me as well for a year, giving me some tips and exercice routine, but didn't help that much.

I would like if you could take a look at my diary...and comment please.

Any advices/tips/guidance are welcomed.

You might find that I am not eating that much but I am not hungry at all...should I eat even though I am not hungry? I try not to go below 1200 cal./day...and if I exercice, I know I can eat a bit more...with all the reading I have done lately, I am starting to understand the whole process of eating back the calories you have spent doing exercice and all, but I am scared that if I start eating more, I will gain weight, because this is exactly what happened in the past year. I have increased my calories intake, have done some exercice, and gain 20+ pounds :(

Thanks for your time!


  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I'm gonna throw some numbers at you now.

    Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, what your body needs for your organs to function) is 1584.

    Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure, what you actually burn in a day) including your described exercise is between 2179 and 2456 (the first number is exercising 1-3 times per week, the second is 3-5).

    To lose 1 lb a week, you need to cut 500 calories a day from your TDEE. So if I were you, I'd set my goal for 1679 calories per day, and not add back exercise calories (as I already figured them in to your TDEE).

    Eating too little WILL slow down your metabolism, so I would highly recommend trying to meet your calorie goal preferably through high protein whole foods. If you're afraid of gaining weight by upping your calories, trust me, it will be ok. I went from eating 1200 a day to eating 1750 a day (just upped to 1900 this week) PLUS exercise calories, and I've continued to lose, with the added bonus of having way more energy and being able to push harder in my work outs.

    Good luck!