Eat the calories your burn or no?



  • Lauran845
    Lauran845 Posts: 71 Member
    I like to pre-plan my day. I pretty much know what I am going to eat for breakfast, I have already made lunch for the next day and I include my snacks. So by the time my feet hit the floor in the morning I know how many calories I have left for dinner. If I know that I have 600 calories remaining and my dinner is going to be 650, I went 50 calories over my intake for the day. I usually plan to spend an hour or so working out, which gains me about 600 calories, so it isn't that I eat the calories I "gain", but I don't sweat if I had a big caloric day and end up going 200 calories over, becuase I know I am going to workout to counter them and if I don't feel up to it, I will only burn enough to get me zero'd out for the day. Does that make sense? I also look submit my diary for the day to see where my weight would be in five weeks if everyday were like today, and than I play with the numbers on my exercise to see what I need to get me to my goal.

    For example, last night I was ravenous and really wanted pasta for dinner. I had more than enough calories to cover that, but apparently I wasn't in the best shape nurtionally because when I submitted my diary it said I would be 3 lbs above my five week weight than the day I played with the numbers and figured out that I needed to spend XX amount of time working out to get me back to my five week goal.

    A further example of my crazy rambling, I took a stand. One day it said I would weigh XXX in five weeks if every day were like today and I said FINE, everyday will be like today and I will weigh that in five weeks. Today was my first week completed and I have four more to go. It feels like an achieveable goal since it is short term and I can start again in five weeks. I am already down four lbs.
  • bump
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    I don't eat my calories back!
  • Dsuth42
    Dsuth42 Posts: 6 Member
    :) I try not to eat them, but glad they are there just in case.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • jibbala
    jibbala Posts: 76 Member
    I wasn't...I'm going to now. Ive been eating more and Ive LOST weight. It had come to a halt and now I'm dropping again and eating a few hundred more a day. I feel about 1000% better and very healthy. I'm kicking vaccine without even noticing!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I usually do not eat my exercise calories back. The exception is on the days I swim. For some reason when I swim I am always starved the remainder of the day. So like yesterday I ate most of the calories back. This is the only exercise that makes me feel like I am hungry.