What can I do instead???

I am 7 weeks from my first marathon, and my foot dr. just confirmed a stress fracture in my foot. Boo hoo! So, needless to say, there will be no running for me and no marathon!

Now I am left with the task of finding a new exercise (or exercises), that are low impact and non-weight bearing. I am obviously used to burning 4,000 calories or more a week while running. How do I find an activity that comes close to that? And that I still find satisfying?

My second challenge is my appetite. I have been eating like I am training for a marathon. Now, with no warning, my running came to a screeching halt. How do I adjust my appetite???

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!


  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    cycling or maybe water exercises?
    I have a friend that has permanent ankle damage of both ankles due to a climbing fall. She can't even stand for long. SHe cycles, alot.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Lots and lots of swimming. It's low-impact but still a really great workout and burns a significant amount of calories.

    As for the food... eh, I have a feeling you might be hungry for awhile, as your body adjusts.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    No cycling with a stress fracture, my husband was just diagnosed with the same thing. The Dr said absolutely NOT to the cycling. He has been lifting weights instead of running.
  • coopersmom2006
    I just got back to running after being out for 3 months due to a stress fracture. Got put on the air boot a few days before my half. Boo! My dr allowed me to use the stationary bike and do lots of strength/core workouts. I rode the crap out of the bike! ;) It's not as big of a burn as running but it'll keep you active. Sorry that happened to you. It's a drag!
  • ShannonGo
    I would recommend swimming.

    Also, my husband is a runner and when he tapers for races, his appetite decrease significantly, because his activity has decreased significantly. Your body will curb your appetite soon enough with your diminished activity level. My husband runs marathon and 50K distances on trail, so he was running 80 miles a week or more and then runs less than 30 leading up to races. This has been confirmed by my dietitian and other runners we're friends with, it'll happen!

    Happy healing. I'm sorry you had such an unfortunate setback. Another thing I learned from my husband after an injury - his gait changed after he healed from a foot injury. When you get back on your feet, I would definitely have your gait analyzed again to make sure you are still striding along like before.
  • rychma
    rychma Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. Swimming is great and I love it. But I don't have a gym membership. Guess I need to get one
  • ShannonGo
    Can you join a community pool? My area has a few indoor pools that sell monthly memberships. Or the YMCA?