50 lbs. down, but cannot see a difference



  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    First of all...you're fricken gorgeous, so don't think otherwise.
    Second, 50 lbs?! that's amazing! *be proud*
    never ever look at yourself as being "the same fat ugly girl from before"...because you're not.
    You've made a decision to change, and you obviously have.
    You're not the same person. You are bettering your self more and more as each day goes on. We all have days where we look in the mirror and think bad things.. don't be so hard on yourself!
    You're doing amazing, and you ARE amazing!
    Keep it up! :) xoxo

    I agree with this!
  • Casaria
    Casaria Posts: 37
    Part of our issue is we look at our self every day. It makes it very hard to see the difference. I work at a day care center and when a child goes on vacation for a week and comes back...i can tell you if they went through a growth spurt while they where gone. I would suggest you look at a picture from your heaviest days and look at a more current picture so you can do a closer evaluation. Also, from here on out, i would take a picture once a month so you can see the monthly difference, if seeing this difference for yourself is that important to you. :) I have never been a fan of looking in mirrors, so going down in clothes sizes is enough for me to know there has been a change. Good luck luv! Hang in there, its a tough fight but you can make it through. Congrats of the 50 lbs in such a short time also...i would be elated if i could loose that much that quickly. Hugs to you!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Hey, it could be worse--I've dropped 50 this summer, and NOBODY HAS NOTICED YET!!! Seriously, when I got to 48, a coworker finally said something (I went from 380 to 332). Kind of the opposite of your story, where everyone can see it except you. In my case, NOBODY sees it except me!

    But yeah, the problem isn't your body, it's in your mind, get help with that. Or do what I'm planning: drop another fifty! And another after that!

    Question- Are you still wearing the same or similar clothes? I guess what I'm asking, are you 'hiding' in your clothes? Try a kick-*kitten* pair of jeans or a really pretty top. A little retail therapy (goodwill of course) will do you good.
  • frodolives19
    @maryjane88 I got your joke! Thanks so much for your kind words. =)

    Thank you all so much. I was shocked when I signed back in and saw so many sweet responses. It's kind of comforting (in a weird sort of way) to know that I'm not alone in that feeling.

    God bless and good luck to all of you on this difficult, but rewarding journey!

    EDIT: I'd respond to each of you if I could make the quote thing work on my computer!! Grrr!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    Ugh.... I know this feeling.
  • mpm6228
    mpm6228 Posts: 1 Member
    I really love what you wrote. It's true, if it were easy, every overweight person would drop 50 lbs, but that is a rare special super accomplishment!
  • summergrl17
    summergrl17 Posts: 75 Member
    Put on some of your fat clothes - if you still have em then dance around in them in front of a mirror. See how difficult it is to keep your pants up because their too lose and keep falling off or how the sleeves are too long and too big. If i get 50 lbs off, I will be sooo happy because the most weight i've ever lost is 20 lbs. Your glass is half full honey!
  • mllanos77
    I feel the same way...not as negative, but I'm down 75 and do not see the difference....but I feel the difference. It is a little frustrating, but I use that to work harder each week. Keep with it....50 lbs is a great accomplishment!
  • mnlght535
    You're definitely not alone with those types of thoughts. I haven't lost 50lbs but I am getting there and others have remarked on the difference they see. I have before and after pictures and I still have yet to see the difference others have commented about. I guess it will take time. Just don't be discouraged in your journey keep moving forward. We will see a difference. In the mean time, keep up the great work and try not to be so hard on yourself :)
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    I guess I'm just venting. In four months, I have lost fifty pounds. Everyone tells me that they notice a huge difference, and I suppose there is, because I have dropped four sizes in clothing. But when I look in the mirror, I just see the same fat, ugly girl from before. I just feel terrible and I do not know what to do.

    Has anyone else experienced these feelings before? Any thoughts on how to deal with this?

    Yes, in fact my cousins have been telling me I look to skinny now and like a toothpick. I've lost many inches, but I see myself as the fat chick before I started losing weight. The mental image of me being fat & everyone around me gets mad I say it. I have lost weight but won't even go down a size in jeans I'm stuck at 10-12. It sucks because I want to get down to a size 5-7... I weight 148.6 lbs but I have a pear shaped body. I must have low self esteem or something... Please add me!!!! :embarassed:
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    It's pretty common for our own mental image of ourselves to be slow to catch up to the reality of the progress we're making. I think. Instead of concentrating on how different you look - others are seeing that - try concentrating on other physical differences. How much better you feel. How much easier some things are to do; your increased strength and endurance..... As you recognize the improvements in your body/mind/health, you'll gain a new respect for yourself.... Pretty soon, you'll see the outer changes others are already noticing!

    Congrats on the big loss!