Bloating From Whey Protein =|



  • ndm9one
    ndm9one Posts: 62 Member
    I attempted to eat breakfast BEFORE making my protein shake today;
    I REALLY thought it was going to help. I went about 8 hours feeling okay
    & THEN the stomach rumbles came back =(
    I might have to switch to 'MUSCLE MILK' & see if that helps at all.
    I bought a few of the 'already made' muscle milk protein shakes before
    trying out the 100% gold standard whey & they didnt cause any bloating.
    Would the powder form be any different from the pre-made shakes?
    Is the bloating caused from TOO MUCH protein?
  • sweiland1
    sweiland1 Posts: 183 Member
    I thought I was lactose intolerate for years, even though straight milk doesn't bother me. Cheese, cottage cheese, etc always did. I found out I am alergic to yeast. It is in everything. But, now I can drink my lattes with no problem. Just no yeast for me :(