Happy with your body fat

Is anyone else here happy with their body fat yet others keep asking if you will go lower or get leaner? I find that very frustrating that some people in my RL seem to think that I should keep going on this eternal quest for uber-leanness.

Am I the only one who doesn't desire to be THAT lean and just want to be...healthy? I mean, I'm at 19% body fat currently and I can't imagine being much lower. My diet would be such that cheating would be a distant memory. Plus, I don't think I could sustain it for very long. And besides, I have a somewhat athletic build and I'm not the curviest of girls so I think leaning out even more would erase some of the curves I actually do have.

I don't know why everyone seems to think leaner is better. I just don't want to become obsessive over my body fat percent. It's a number and doesn't define me. I feel good so why does it matter what the number is necessarily? I'm curious to see if anyone else has run into this problem. Thanks.

ETA: Obviously, if you desire to be totally uber-lean, more power to you...it's just not something I aspire to.


  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I agree. I need to drop some pounds but I wonder when is enough enough. If I'm at a healthy weight and all my numbers are healthy have far do I have to go? I don't have any ambition to be totally cut. Great for those who do!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    In my opinion, you just have to ignore what everyone is saying and just do your thing! People will always criticize ('oh you're too skinny', 'oh you should be stronger', 'oh you should/shouldn't eat this or that', etc etc etc.).
    Definitely frustrating and aggravating, but people like to give their opinions when they're not requested.

    Another way to look at it would be that maybe they're so impressed with the work you've done that they're curious to see if you're going to be going further.

    Personally Toni, I think you look great as is, but most importantly, if you're where you want to be, then just enjoy it!
    Very very few people I think can say that they have the body they want. I can't wait to get to a point where I'm just happy maintaining!
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm around 23% body fat right now, and honestly I don't think it looks bad at all. I'm overall happy with my body. :-)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm happy right now with it in terms of it being somewhat manageable but still looking reasonably lean. I'd like to get leaner though, so that I can bulk for a longer stretch of time.

    But, in terms of appearance only, I'd be happy at this level of leanness.

    ~12% or so.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I'm happy right now with it in terms of it being somewhat manageable but still looking reasonably lean. I'd like to get leaner though, so that I can bulk for a longer stretch of time.

    But, in terms of appearance only, I'd be happy at this level of leanness.

    ~12% or so.

    That's a good answer, I've noticed expectations keep moving. I always wanted a pretty low one (that I had), through the bulk I decided I could cope a higher one (around 10-ish) now that the bulking is about to end, (around 15 now) it seems like I want a lower one.
    It's like there is not any ideal BF that makes you happy or making you feeling good about what you see, maybe more an appearance in accordance with the timeframe involved ?
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    hmm see im happy with my bigg butt and hips(finnal got some:happy: ) but could loose it every where else so.......dont know:huh:
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I would kill to have ur body! Don't listen to them! I would b happy if I was were u too!
  • I can't get rid of the fat on my belly!!! I have been trying for YEARS!! I lose it everywhere else and end up looking really skinny it's horrible because I still have this jelly belly with loose skin it's GROSS!!! what am I doing wrong anyone have any ideas?!!! HELP!!! :sad:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hmm, being as my body fat is somewhere around 105% I'd have to say no. But you, you look mahhhvelous, simply mahhhvelous. If you're happy then tell everyone else to kiss your nice, well tones tookus.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    My goal isn't too be super thin either.
    I hope I can find a place where I am comfortable to maintain. I still want my curves, just not flab.
    Low 20s% maybe?
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    It's your body - if you're happy with the way your body is, then ignore everyone else. You look awesome and 19% body fat for a woman is healthy and lean anyway. My goal is to get to 20% at the moment - not TOO far off of that... but really... it's all about how you feel in your own skin. If I get to 21 or 22% and feel great, then I am fine with that!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    You look uber-lean to me! Look fantastic.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I believe I'm around 20-21% and I'm happy with it for right now, but if I manage to build more muscle, then I'd probably be happier with it at 17-19% but we will cross that bridge when we get there!

    You look gorgeous T, keep doing what makes YOU happy, and Fruck the rest...that's my thinking!
  • First of all 19% body fat is already considered lean for a woman. We naturally carry more body fat & need it for reproductive purposes. I think below 16% is considered unhealthy & those bodybuilders & fitness models only shred themselves when competing on stage but off-season, they maintain a higher percentage.

    As for me I'm at 19.5-21% depending on the method used. Although my goal is 17% but I'm happy with my current percentage. Its just that I need to set a goal to keep myself going & not be too complacent.

    EDIT: By the way, your pic is fantastic especially your abs.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    You look great, hun- there is nothing wrong with being content!! You may find that over time, you will continue to lean out from working out, depending on what you do.

    I'm very lean- and it's never been something I have aimed for, in fact it freaks me out at times. It's in my genes so I just try to make the most of it.
  • lexie2005
    lexie2005 Posts: 16 Member
    Gosh I would kill to have your body fat percentage!! Having lost 6 stone I was horrified to discover last night on my new scales that my body fat is 42%, God only knows what is must have been before. It has pretty much depressed me to be honest. I now just have to work at carrying on losing weight but don't know how to make sure it is fat I lose not just weight... I exercise 5 times a week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday cardio at the gym & a small bit of weight work & zumba classes on a Tuesday & Friday. I also walk for at least 1/2 an hour every day.....
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    Is anyone else here happy with their body fat yet others keep asking if you will go lower or get leaner? I find that very frustrating that some people in my RL seem to think that I should keep going on this eternal quest for uber-leanness.

    Am I the only one who doesn't desire to be THAT lean and just want to be...healthy? I mean, I'm at 19% body fat currently and I can't imagine being much lower. My diet would be such that cheating would be a distant memory. Plus, I don't think I could sustain it for very long. And besides, I have a somewhat athletic build and I'm not the curviest of girls so I think leaning out even more would erase some of the curves I actually do have.

    I don't know why everyone seems to think leaner is better. I just don't want to become obsessive over my body fat percent. It's a number and doesn't define me. I feel good so why does it matter what the number is necessarily? I'm curious to see if anyone else has run into this problem. Thanks.

    ETA: Obviously, if you desire to be totally uber-lean, more power to you...it's just not something I aspire to.

    Healthy and lean for a woman is under 22% body fat. I would say by your profile pic and your 19% number that you're as good as gold.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Gosh I would kill to have your body fat percentage!! Having lost 6 stone I was horrified to discover last night on my new scales that my body fat is 42%, God only knows what is must have been before. It has pretty much depressed me to be honest. I now just have to work at carrying on losing weight but don't know how to make sure it is fat I lose not just weight... I exercise 5 times a week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday cardio at the gym & a small bit of weight work & zumba classes on a Tuesday & Friday. I also walk for at least 1/2 an hour every day.....

    Psst! I'll let in on a little secret....up until 5 years ago, my body fat was 30%. Then I got it down to 25% where it was until almost a year ago. I feel your frustration and pain. Diet was 90% of the battle. Until I got a handle on my diet, very little progress was made.
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    I guess t5hat when one gets to healthy BMI and healthy body fat percentage the rest is just estetics. I personally have BMI around 20.5 and body fat around 21 and I could be happy since it is all healthy but I have small body frame and I know that I would look better if I dropped around 2-4 more kg. I think it is all about how you feel. I put on thight clothes and I see what should go ( as in thighs and belly need to slim down) . But if you feel good teh way you are and you are in healthy range I would flip everyone else off.
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    Is anyone else here happy with their body fat yet others keep asking if you will go lower or get leaner? I find that very frustrating that some people in my RL seem to think that I should keep going on this eternal quest for uber-leanness.

    Am I the only one who doesn't desire to be THAT lean and just want to be...healthy? I mean, I'm at 19% body fat currently and I can't imagine being much lower. My diet would be such that cheating would be a distant memory. Plus, I don't think I could sustain it for very long. And besides, I have a somewhat athletic build and I'm not the curviest of girls so I think leaning out even more would erase some of the curves I actually do have.

    I don't know why everyone seems to think leaner is better. I just don't want to become obsessive over my body fat percent. It's a number and doesn't define me. I feel good so why does it matter what the number is necessarily? I'm curious to see if anyone else has run into this problem. Thanks.

    ETA: Obviously, if you desire to be totally uber-lean, more power to you...it's just not something I aspire to.

    Healthy and lean for a woman is under 22% body fat. I would say by your profile pic and your 19% number that you're as good as gold.

    Actually, you are not totally correct with this 22% but right about her. 19% is briliant!
