My calories and Gym TIme Someone Help Please

Im 23 years old and weight 192 after two babies. I Gained alot of weight. If i eat 1200 cals a day and burn 700 off a day at the gym how many pound should i lose a week? Can someone break it down for me please.

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  • twingle08
    If you burn 700 calories off at the gym, it is very important that you add 700 calories to your daily caloric intake. very important. 1200 calories is what your body needs each day just to get up and do your regular daily activities. Add a calorie burn and you need to refuel.

    I don't know how to calculate how much you will lose as I don't know that that is possible as there are so many factors that play into weight loss. Eat foods that will fuel your body and be very careful not to starve your body of these needed calories. If you are eating healthy and exercising regularily, you will notice the difference. Just don't rush it, it took a long time to put the weight on so it will take a bit to get it off again, you will see changes so stick at it!
  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    Use this site to figure out your BMR, or what you burn each day just walking around and being alive. Mine is about 1800, so if for example I eat 1200 cals, that gives me a 600 deficit, plus 700 burned in exercise is 1300. if 1 lb = 3500 cals, then I'll lose about 1 lb every three days, or two per week.