I need help.

I truly need help from someone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to weight loss. I've been over weight my entire life. And right now I need to work on me. I want to be able to loose the weight and feel better. But I don't know what I'm doing. So I'm asking for help. If there is a personal trainer, someone who knows what to do, someone who can talk to me. Is there someone? Needed be, I can call, txt, email. But I truly want help. Thank you.


  • Hi there, why don't you try the Liver Cleansing Diet? There are several books about this by Dr Sandra Cabot and I can truly recommend the methods. I only needed to lose a little bit but was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Syndrome. I have cut out all dairy foods and meat using the Liver Cleansing Method and have lost all I needed to but the biggest benefits are the way I feel plus my cholesterol level has gone from 6.4 to 4.6 in only 6 weeks with no medication. All the best to you in your efforts. Good exercise to start with is a treadmill and you can build from there. Hope this is some help.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    If you want someone who can work with you one on one - can you ask your doctor about referral to a dietician as a starting point?
    And look into a gym or personal trainer in your area?

    If you don't want to go with these options, why not just get started with MFP and see how you go, its very easy to use:
    - just start by recording what you eat every day.
    - After a few days you will be able to see where your calories are coming from, and if you are over cals every day, then you can start making small changes.
    - For example - work on one meal at a time. Google "healthy breakfast recipes" and find something that sounds good to you.
    - Once you have a healthy breakfast habit, make changes to other snacks or meals.
    - Fit in some exercise (every day if you can) - walk, swim, ride, dance or do whatever you enjoy. Record this exercise in your diary too.
    - Aim to eat enough food so that you have 0 calories left at the end of the day. Extra cals get added when you exercise, and you can eat these too.

    That's it. Not hard, just give it a go!

    PS. In my (humble!) opinion, the worst thing you can do is slavishly follow any "diet", "liver cleansing" or otherwise.
    There is really no need to deprive yourself of everything you enjoy, no need to follow rules about what and when to eat.
    Just eat healthy meals - not too much, not too little. Make small changes that you can keep up for the rest of your life.

    Good luck!
  • shaxnax
    shaxnax Posts: 87 Member
    In my Diet Therapy class we learned that for a woman who is trying to lose weight you can use a formula to figure out how many calories she should eat to ensure weight loss. You have to figure out your "optimum weight range" for your height first. For being five feet tall you automatically get 100 pounds. For every inch you get 5 pounds. (so for example my optimum weight-being that I'm 5 ft 5inches is 125 +/- 10%) You then take that number (125 +/- the 10%) and divide it by 2.2 (So mine is 56.8) You then multiply that number by 25 for losing weight or 30 for maintaining weight (For me to lose weight I should be netting 1420 a day) These are just estimates though, so you will need to see what works best for you personally.

    You can also try upping your protein and lowering your carb and fat intake. For a good visual on how to set up your meals on your dinner plate go to http://www.choosemyplate.gov/images/MyPlateImages/JPG/myplate_green.jpg and it shows you how much of your plate should be dedicated to each food group for a healthy meal, which I find extremely useful. The Myplate.gov website actually has a LOT of good information on how/what to eat for weight loss.

    You can add me as a friend if you want, but I'm not certified in anything, I've just had some nutrition classing and have been learning on how to become healthier myself. You can do it though! It is VERY possible, you just need to find what works for you.

    OH and if you're exercising do things that you ENJOY doing. I hate treadmills but I love jogging on the street. I won't exercise if I have a treadmill in front of me, and if I do force myself too all I can do is count down the minutes in hated aggravation.
  • I realy recommend that you read the book:
    FEED THE MUSCLE by Tom Venuto.

    He is a bodybuilder but has much information about food training, en the psychological part about weigth loss.

    You can create your own program on your own weigth loss goals. If you are comitted you will be able to shape your body as you wish.
  • To be completely honest you don't need a diet or a cleanse of some sort. You need a life change. By joining this site you have done the best thing you can do, admitting you need help getting it off. Be religious about it and the weight will come off. It may be challenging some days and others will be awesome. Just keep in mind you are not the only one here, we will support, encourage, and celebrate with you. Just keep moving and eating.....you will soon realize you are doing more of one than the other. I hope you reach your goals you have set both weight and life wise.