Suwonfish intro

Hi guys,

Well, I'm a middle aged guy who had a super active youth. Lifting, martial arts and the army conspired to keep me 8-9% BF and with a quite nice body. For maybe 15 years I could eat and drink with impunity whilst still staying quite active. I teach scuba as a side-line to regular teaching so I always swam a lot etc...

Then one day depression combined with middle age and quitting smoking put about 30 lbs (and the rest) on me over a few years. For some reason I didn't seem to care. Docs told me my liver was showing signs of damage and I develped gout AND I STILL DIDN'T CARE.

Then I woke up. I did 3 months straight in the gym going every day. I dropped 12 lbs of fat and gained 6 lbs of muscle. I ignored diet (apart from protein shakes, creatine, vits/mins etc) during this period. I now want to combine a healthy diet with exercise which is what brought me here...

I'm loving MFP. I'm an IDIOT when it comes to sensible eating and this app is doing a great job of giving me insight into my bad habits. Reading through this community page is also really helpful.

If anyone needs motivation "friend me" and I promise to bark at you if you stop logging your meals ^^