Is there a link between sleep aids and weight gain

Unfortunately I am an insomniac. I struggle when it comes time to fall asleep. My doctor prescribed a series of drugs to help from laying in bed for hours on end before I fall asleep. Which is usually 2 hours before I have to wake up for work. I have tried a bunch of stuff and have settled on ambien. I try not to take it more than 2-3x / week.

Does anyone know if there is a link between weight gain and sleep aids? I suspect there is as it would seem these drugs slow down your metabolism.

Thanks for the info.


  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I don't think it's the sleep aides, I think it's the lack of sleep that's linked to weight gain, for sure!

    I've heard and read that if you have lack of sleep, it can lead to eating and eating unhealthy foods.

    Check out this article.

    Hope this helps.:happy:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    My husband takes Ambien CR almost everynight. And drcupp is right, the link is between lack of sleep and weight gain.

    Couple other things to try...stay off the computer and turn off the tv at least an hour before bed.
    Take a hot bath right before bed...the cooling down of your body after the bath helps induce sleep.
    Keep the lights low when getting ready for bed...tough to do if you're a reader, but this could help.

    Good luck.
  • badgirl33
    if i want to avoid my night munchies, i'll take over-the-counter sleep aids.
    according to the numbers on the scale, seems to help this bad girl!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I take Ambien every night and it hasn't slowed down my weight loss.