Stopped smoking, started living

Hi all,

I'm glad I found this site, it's brilliant!
I'm a 50 year old, graphic artist/web developer with a strange habit of playing the banjo every now and then.
I gave up smoking on Good Friday this year. I've now decided to get fitter and shed the extra pounds that I've put on since quitting the rollups and going through the menopause. As a long distance power walker (sub 13min miles) I thought I was reasonably fit until I started a couch to 5k running programme a few weeks ago, but it's kept my focus on never wanting to smoke again because there is no way I could continue with the running if I smoked. I feel like I am not getting much support from hubby and sons (21 and 24 still living at home) because they still smoke in the house and think I'm a bit mad for starting a running programme at my age. But I'm detemined to show them that I can do it by completing a 5k in October and a 10k next May.
I'm really looking forward to getting to grips with the food and exercise diary and reading about other peoples' experiences.

CF x


  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Good for you!

    Starting a running programme at your age is actually excellent, not crazy. Especially since your bones normally weaken a bit after the menopause. Frequent impact exercises such as running strengthen your bones. Which means you'll be less likely to break something. Also, it increases your balances as your legs get stronger. By starting this now you'll be in the best possible spot to grow older and remain healthy.
    The one thing to look out for is starting to fast. You're muscles and bones need time to develop, as does your stamina, and that's somewhat slower for a 50 year old than a 30 year old. So pick a programme and if you can't make it one week, just repeat the next week.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    I stopped smoking august 6 after 16 yrs as well as drinking :) I don't run cause i hate running and i nearly sweat as much as i do with insanity and my other workouts.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Good for you! You should be really proud of yourself. I gave up from January til April after having hypnosis. I will definitely try again soon x
  • ceefin
    ceefin Posts: 16
    Thanks for your encouragement. Yes I'm sticking to a good running plan and am keeping the speed down to round about my power walking pace, after learning the hard way - doing too much, too fast, too soon the first time :)
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Why not doing a 60 day insanity?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I quit smoking 12.5 months ago after smoking since I was 12 years old. It's pretty much the biggest accomplishment of my life. I literally did not think I was capable of quitting. I acheived the impossible. Congratulations to all the quitters in this thread!
  • thats great well done you, i gave up close on 2 years ago now and have slowly gained weight a couple of extra stones i'm now wanting to shift i hope i keep the determination you have well done again :)
  • dutchk
    dutchk Posts: 121 Member
    One of the best things I ever did for me was quitting smoking. After 13 years of up to 2 packs a day, I have been a non smoker for 27 years!! And I'm still damn proud of it. Why? Because I still clearly remember how hard it was to quit after so many false starts.

    So....Congratulations!! And friend me if you like, I'll give what support I can.
  • waquin
    waquin Posts: 1
    I quit cigarettes in March 2011 after 52 years of 1 1/2 packs a day. My lungs feel great, but, I've gained 35 pounds :(
    I went from 130# to 165#! I believe I switched my addiction from cigarettes to food. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME!
    I hope and pray this website can help me get back on track:)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Well done and good luck with the running! I gave up the Golden Virginia in 2007 and even when I was at my fattest I still felt better for it!
  • faengel
    faengel Posts: 14
    Congrats!! I also quit smoking and would like to start a running program. I am 44 years old. Starting out slow. Friend me and we can support each other.
  • Hi I sort of quit smoking for 3mnths, I still miss it thats my problem, I started having just one now Im back up to 4 a day!!!! But I havent given up hope on myself, I put on a few kilos but I wasnt to worried about it.....I started doing jillian micheals 30 day shred it's pretty amazing workout....and about to start michelle bridges 12wbt on the 27th of august,Im hoping to completely kick the habit at this time as I will need as much lung capacity as I can get....Ive been smoking since I was 9 I'm about to turn 44......You's make me feel that there is hope!! Thankyou.
  • ceefin
    ceefin Posts: 16
    Hi rosebett,

    you're welcome :)

    I was a smoker for 35 years too and since I quit there have been a couple of times where I have missed it, but I find the cravings have been quite easy to deal with this time, they only last a couple of minutes so I breathe nice and deep during them and be thankful that I'm only breathing in fresh air now :)
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    I decided at the beginning of the year that I needed to lose a lot of weight, and then quit smoking.

    My quit date is scheduled for the day after Labor Day (going to a cottage for the long weekend, and it'll be my last hurrah with cigarettes).

    I'm afraid of giving them up after 25 years, but I know that if I had the mental discipline to change my lifestyle and lose weight, I can be strong and give up smoking for good.
  • Been smoke free for 6 days and counting and find myself snacking. Have swapped my cigarettes for a water bottle and MOST of the time that seems to work, or chew gum like a cow hahah! Nice to start here today and to meet you all.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    congrats on turning your life around!!!! keep it up!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    congratulations. The best thing for me about not smoking is the ability to smell.Especially being able to smell people smoking/that just smoked and think to myself UGH thats nasty!
  • alfie1313
    alfie1313 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there :-)))

    Im an ex-smoker, gave up 4 years ago! This time last year i decided to sort the weight out that i gained! Im now 40lbs lighter and have fallen in love with running :-)))
    If i can me any use to anyone on here please feel free to add me! :-)))

    Lynn x
  • In 10 days it will be my 2 year anniversary since I quit smoking!
    Congratulations to you for doing it with so much temptation in your life!
    You are a strong woman!!
  • I decided at the beginning of the year that I needed to lose a lot of weight, and then quit smoking.

    My quit date is scheduled for the day after Labor Day (going to a cottage for the long weekend, and it'll be my last hurrah with cigarettes).

    I'm afraid of giving them up after 25 years, but I know that if I had the mental discipline to change my lifestyle and lose weight, I can be strong and give up smoking for good.

    I also recomend the nicotine patches. They make you feel horible but its so much better then the withdrawls. Im almost at 2 years smoke free! Good luck to you!