Advice please

I know there is lots of info and I've been trying to get an answer myself but just end up going round in circles!

First of all, could someone tell me how many calories I should be eating? I'm 5'5", 171lbs and currently don't do any exercise. I'm looking to get to 140lbs at some point.

Secondly, my weighloss has slowed down. If it's not because my calorie intake is wrong, any suggestions?

And finally, any comments on what I'm eating? I'm not a morning person at all but like to eat in the evenings so try to keep calories for then. The last few days I've been lightheaded before and after lunch.


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Options <---

    This will help you get your BMR, TDEE, and see how many calories you should be eating to be healthy AND lose weight. As far as getting light headed, it doesn't matter when you eat your cals each day - that's up to you. If you're getting lightheaded? You should probably eat a snack with some protein in it until you are ready to eat a meal. Good luck.
  • mrchantele123
    Hey there I am also 5'5ft! Last year I started at 165lbs and managed to get down to 132lbs in just 4 months.

    I did no exercise whatsoever, I just ate 1200 calories a day. I didn't eat specific foods either I just literally ate whatever I wanted as long as the calories didn't total up to over 1200. It's really easy you just have to stick at it, though in those 4 months I had a lot of 'off' days where I binged and ate thousands more cals than I was meant to.

    Good luck!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    ^^^^This - you have to eat regularly to keep your blood sugar level - this is probably why you are light headed before and after lunch.
    Eat three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between or 5 small meals. Try not to go more than 2.5hrs without eating. This website is also helpful for your calorie goals:
  • Squashypig
    Squashypig Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5' 5" started at 175lbs and am now 140lbs. My calorie goal initially was set at about 1300 but as I lost weight it came down to 1200. I've managed OK with that and still managed to fit in sweet treats. Each to their own but I think it would be better if you could try and have something at the start of the day, even if only a light snack. Good luck and enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Butterscotch76
    Wow, thanks for all the quick replies. I wil follow the links and see if I can figure out how much I should be eating.

    I do eat breakfast. Usually a cereal bar but as I have to take a pill with food I've had either porridge or a cereal bar and fruit. I sometimes do have midmorning snack and/or an afternoon snack. Maybe I need to make this more of a habit.