1,200 calories limit? Can anyone help?



  • Sweetness023
    This website may help you when you're trying to figure out how many calories to eat etc. http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm

    From the stats that I entered this is what it tells me:

    Individual Weights:
    Hamwi Based Calculations: 117 pounds for a small frame, 130 pounds for a medium frame, and 143 pounds for a large frame.
    Robinson Based Calculation: 130 pounds.
    Miller Based Calculation: 135 pounds.
    BMI Based Calculation: 142 pounds.

    Average Weights:

    Caloric Need:
    Estimated Base BMR: 1430 Calories.
    Estimated TDEE: 2217 Calories.
    Estimated Daily Caloric Need For Weight Loss: 1717 Calories.

    It also explains the calculations and what BMR, TDEE etc. means.

    MFP also gave me a 1200 cal goal for each day to lose 2lb a week. Most people say that if you eat less than 1200 cal your body could go in to starvation mode and hold on to the fat that you already have on your body. Also advise you to eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of the calories that you've burned. Most of the time I stay within 1500-1600 cals each day after a grueling work out.

    Hope it helps!
  • kurasuny
    kurasuny Posts: 12
    It's been almost two and a half weeks since I started using this app.
    And I lost about 5 lbs eating more than 1200 calories a day.
    But I walk around my neighborhood for like an hour almost every day..
    About two miles to three miles.
    I get to eat as much as I want and work out.
    I used to weigh 124 and now I weigh 119.
    My height is 5'2".
    Eat more and work out more.
  • sarahmatters
    The only way to do it is scientifically. You need to work out your BMR using a calculator (there are many online) Then you work out your daily calorie needs by multiplying this number by 1.2. This shows you what you would need to eat if you were sedentary all day. Then to lose weight take 500 kcal away from that number and this is what your net intake should be. Be sure to add all your exercise calories in as your net needs to take this into aco****. If you eat less than this (especially since you do not have much to lose) you risk messing up your metabolism by shocking it into starvation mode. If you do not give your body enough caloires it will slow your metabolism because it will assumer you do not have enough food available and so it will attempt to conserve the food you do consume. The best way to boost your weight loss at your stage is through exercise, high intensity cardio intervals and light weights prgramme is my top tip. It costs your body more calories to fuel muscle than fat so the more muscle you have the more your metabolism is boosted (you won't get big and bulky as a woman I promise) and also focussing not only on calorie intake but also the quality of your food. For the last 10-20lbs quality really is key. Vut out processed as much as possible, keep your carbs complex and you could try adding in metabolism boosting foods such as green tea, guarana, chillies ect...This works. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you have only 18 lbs to lose, set your goal for 1 lbs or even 0.5
    going faster will mean you will lose muscles along with fat, so you will hit your goal weight but will be all flubby.

    also, if you exercise, your daily limit will increase, - everything you burn on top of your activity level you can eat back

    this... 2lbs per week isnt really realistic when you have a relatively small amount to lose.

    stick to 1lb per week!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I have "the biggest loser" diet book persay. In there, for petites it recommends calorie cycling...one day 1050-1100 for like 2 days then a day of 1200-1300. Try the cycling. Eat more the days you exercise hard, eat the less the days you dont :)