Thursday Check In Group - November 12th

tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I did'nt see Maggie post the new thread so I figured I'd post to keep it up.

I have to go back and get all my info. I'll be back.



  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Okay, I'll start.

    July 30th - 154 pounds
    August 6th - 150 pounds
    August 13th- 150 pounds
    August 20th - 147 pounds
    August 27th - 144 pounds
    September 3rd - 144 pounds
    September 10th - 144 pounds
    September 17th - 144 pounds
    September 24th - 142 pounds
    October 1st - 143 pounds
    October 8th - 141 pounds
    October 15th - 140 pounds
    October 22th - 139 pounds
    October 29th - 137 pounds
    November 5th - 140 pounds
    November 12th - 137 pounds

    So, I lost all the weight I gained last week, so I guess you can say no real loss for me but I am glad that I lost that weight and now again, 2 more pounds to go until my first goal is met.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all: Sorry I didn't post earlier. I got into work today and it was crazy busy ... haven't had the chance 'til now. Thanks Tanya for taking care of things. Up 2½ lbs. this week for me ... honestly ... I've been feeling crappy and moody and I just have to snap out of it. That's enough ... no more excuses ... I'm back as of today. So it is said ... so it is done. Happy Thursday everyone.

    YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
    July 16 - 189 lbs.
    July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
    July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
    Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
    Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
    Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
    Nov 12 - 176 (+2½ lbs. this week) (-13.5 lbs. total)
    Nov 19
    Nov 26
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
  • Well I am not sure how I did it this week. I was up 1 last week and down 5 this week. I would consider it 4 since I gained last week but even still. I haven't seen a number like that in a while. :happy: BTW My neice is doing a little better today. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers everyone.
  • Me again! I am sorry for double post but I just realized something. I have lost 101 lbs. OMG :drinker:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Thats great Rdy2Lose128:flowerforyou: thats a huge amount of weight loss:drinker:

    Keep it up, you should feel proud of yourself.

    I am glad that your neice is doing better:happy:

    Talk soon,

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Me again! I am sorry for double post but I just realized something. I have lost 101 lbs. OMG :drinker:

    Wow ... today marks a great day for you eh? You're neice is doing better AND you've lost over 100 lbs. WOW WOW WOW ... I'm so excited for you. You must be on cloud nine.

  • Hi All!!

    Down 2 this week. Very happy with that.
    I am just now realizing that I need to exercise if i want to eat. The "balance" that people talk about and i have heard so often, but it just did not click in til now...

    WOW Over 100 pounds What a milestone!!!CONGRATULATIONS:bigsmile: [glad your niece is seeing improvement}

    Talk soon!

    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19
    Nov 26
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... I've been MIA lately ... really slacking in my efforts. I apologize for this because I love the support and encouragement I get from these posts and I want to do the same for all of you. Well today's a new beginning for me ... I did it ... I JOINED A GYM!!! I go for my first assessment on Sunday ... I can't go tomorrow because I have tickets to a show ... but Saturday morning I'm joining in on a Zumba class. I can't wait. I've done Zumba to a DVD and I loved it but I can't wait to be in a live class ... it should be soooo much fun!!!

  • Excellent Maggie!!!

    I enjoy the gym, need people to talk me through the 'hard' part of the workout-usually the middle 25 minutes!!! I wonder if that's why some people get trainers...hmmm

    I hope you enjoy it, should get your metabolism going too!!

    What is Zumba??

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Zumba is a workout class that uses Latin music and dance moves. Burns big calories and is way high energy and fun.

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Thats great Maggie! I'm glad you found something that you will enjoy doing to keep you active. I have to find something too, I like to watch Fit TV, they have some great workout videos there, but I can't seem to find the time to do it. During the week, by the time I am done with work, eat dinner and then do the whole routine with my daughter it is usually 8:30pm and by that time I am exhausted. I will have to think of something to atleast get excercise in 3 days a week. If I don't I know its going to take me a lot longer to loose the extra weight.

  • Happy Friday all! :flowerforyou: How is everyone doing today? Doing okay here. Its sunny and 66 here in Louisville. Not bad for the middle of November. Nice day to get the kids out of the house and go for a walk. Hope everyone has a great weekend. :smile:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I wish it was that warm here. But they are saying that its supposed to get up to the mid 60's here on sunday. I will probably go to a farm or to a park with my daughter on sunday since its supposed to be so nice.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I would love some nice warm weather too ... but around here ... it's cool but at least it's sunny :happy:

    I'm so glad today is over ... this weekend should be fun. I'm going to see a show tonight at the Fallsview Casino, then a Zumba class to look forward to tomorrow morning, and then my assessment on Sunday at the gym. I can't wait to have my new gym routine incorporated into my life's schedule. Woo Hoo!!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I have some good news Ladies!

    I just weighed myself this morning and I met my first goal. I weight 135 right now. I can't believe it and I want to loose some more weight still so I recalculated to loose 10 more pounds.

    I'm already having a great weekend, hope you guys are having a great weekend too.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Tanya ... Yay ... 135 lbs goal met ... Yay ... Congratulations!!!

    I was just reading about Thanksgiving and all the plans and meals and stuff and it makes me glad that I'm Canadian ... ours is over and done with so that temptation is gone for me. Good luck to all my American MFPers with that.

    I just got back from the gym ... I love it there ... such a great atmosphere and all of the staff seem great so far. I did a Zumba class ... it was way fun. Tomorrow is my first assessment and then I'll get set up to learn how to use the equipment and balance ball and stuff. It's nice to have something new to get me back on track (although the Cora's breakfast after the workout wasn't exactly the healthiest choice ... but ... yummy). The weather here is beautiful and hopefully it will be the same tomorrow ... my friend and I will do a big hike after I'm done at my assessment if all goes as planned. Happy weekend all ... talk to you soon.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there everyone ... I hope we're all doing okay. Here's to a great week!!!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just finished my first round of delivering mail at work and I'm taking a little break. Thought I'd jump in here and give a quick update. I had my assessment done at the gym yesterday and all in all it wasn't too bad. No real surprises ... I need to work on my upper body strength but overall I'm of average fitness ... not too shabby ... thought I was in the less then average fitness level :happy: I did get one surprise yesterday that made me love my trainer ... all my life I haven't been able to do a sit up. She told me it's because of my apple body shape ... she had me lie down with my knees up and I tried to do the sit up but it just wasn't happening ... then she handed me a 10 lb. ball to hold in my hands over my head and told me to try again. I thought she was crazy, if I can't do it with no weight in my hands how can I do it with 10 extra pounds??? Well it's all in the momentum ... my torso was too heavy compared to my arms and once I added extra weight to my arms the sit ups happened ... I was so excited I did 10 of them with ease!!!! Why didn't anyone show me this before? Autumn (my trainer) said it's because she's the best trainer in the world ... frankly ... I agree. This picture shows what I did except I had my feet on the floor.

  • I have some good news Ladies!

    I just weighed myself this morning and I met my first goal. I weight 135 right now. I can't believe it and I want to loose some more weight still so I recalculated to loose 10 more pounds.

    I'm already having a great weekend, hope you guys are having a great weekend too.


    Wow! Congrats to you Tanya. :flowerforyou: 135 is my goal. I can't wait till I get that moment on the scale.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I am happy I finally reached my first goal, but now my weight keeps fluctuating. Today, I weighted myself and I weight 137. Oh well. Maggie, I'm glad that your assessment at the gym went well and I am also glad to hear that you like your gym. Thats important and having a good trainer is also a benefit. I have to start excercising too. I keep saying it but I have to actually do it. Not today though, I am feeling a little under the weather, I am sick right now with a cold.

    Talk soon,

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