Help, I am confused--can this be right????

Is it possible (or likely) that I could weigh the same, but be getting bigger in my hip and waist measurements????

I have been at a plateau on weight loss for several months now, but was losing inches until this last month to 6 weeks when i noticed that my clothes were fitting a little tighter in my hips and waist..

I do cardio 3-4 times a week and have been weight training now for about 4 months/ 3x a week.

I was OK with not losing weight for the last few months since starting weight training as I understood that I would retain more water and might eventually gain a little muscle thus not lose weight or possibly even gain a little weight. .

But, I was expecting that my hip and waist measurements would go down, not up! This is my primary problem area and I do not want to get any bigger in these areas. I do not mind if I get bigger in arms, legs, chest areas--but, not hips and waist!

What am I doing wrong? And , why is this added girth not showing as weight gain if it is added muscle. Shoudln't I be losing the fat in these areas, and getting leaner---not gaining more inches? I am at a loss as to what to do now.

What am I missing here?????


  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Did you start eating when when you started lifting?
  • I increased my calories about 200-300 and my protein about 30-50 (avg 100-150)
  • locotoro
    locotoro Posts: 11 Member
    Usually most blokes don't complain about an increase in girth! :happy:

    On a serious note, is it possible that your clothes have shrunk?
  • I'm a girl and girls do conplain about an increase in girth!
  • One skirt i have--that is a possibility and that was my first thought.

    However, when i pulled out the tape measure and I saw an increase then I no longer thought it was that I shrunk my skirt.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    maybe your glutes are lifting now and making it seem like you are getting bigger along with your abs....i have heard and seen some examples ...if your pushing out while doing situps or crunches or when you are lifting those muscles will get used to being out there...expanding girth....well thats an idea anyway lol
  • Should I stop doing situps and crunches??? and go back to just straight cardio???
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Should I stop doing situps and crunches??? and go back to just straight cardio???

    no I wouldnt do that- just pull your belly button in as you do them...picture a string pulling it down to your spine as you breathe out and lift up...

    plus Jillian says doing oblique abs pull your waist in and it all gives your back support for daily living plus if you are going to do weightlifting its good to have that support
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    stop ab work yes, go back to cardio only, no.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member

    It's strange, but after 40, diet and exercise don't bring the same results as in our 30's. Starting in our mid 40's, men and women lose about 1 % of our muscle mass every year. For women, that acclerates when estorgen levels dwindles. Because every pound of muscle burns about 7 to 10 calories a day, losing several ounces can lead to inches on your waist. .

    I would keep doing strenght training and cardio and add some yoga if you have time. Maybe substitue it for one of your strength training workouts.

    Also watch the carbs. It seems crazy that you can be within your caloric intake goals and working out and still not seeing the inches come off. Very frustrating. I'm in my 50's and have lost 26.5 in the last year and a half. My fat has shifted. I never had a big belly till in my 50's. I'm doing 30 minutes to 60 minutes of cardio 5 to 6 days a week and 2 days of free weights. Trying to get the yoga in. I feel leaner after doing it. I don't believe in giving up a certain food group for weight loss, but I do see a difference when I cut back on the carbs. They aren't all bad of course.

    Hope this helps. Friend me if you would like. :smile: We can give each other support.

  • Thank you all for your responses and support--I will keep trying to figure this out.

    i cannot se that i am losing fat or inches since i started weightlifting 4 months ago, but i do know i have gotten a little stronger.

    So, i guess I will continue to watch my weight and inches for alittle longer and not panic at this increase just yet.