Starting Roller Derby, Any tips?

I have wanted to join roller derby for years, but knew I couldn't keep up at the weight I was at. I'm finally comfortable enough with myself to join. The informational session is August 30th. Any ladies out there that have done or are currently on roller derby teams than have some tips to share?
I have gone skating only a few times in the past couple years, but I was put on skates as soon as I could walk, so I have no worries iwth balance and speed, once i get back into the routine. And I'm planning to get leather skates, because I heard they are better than the cheaper man-made ones.


  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Good luck! You are braver than I!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've been in love with the game since I was a teenager :bigsmile:
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    Throw lots of elbows!
  • I really hope you're still going to the meat and greet! (Not a typo. I promise lol.) Derby is phenomenal - it's an amazing workout and you'll not even realize you've burned a disgusting number of calories cause you'll be having so much fun. I started training 'for real' in April, and I have significant weight to lose (almost 100 pounds, in a perfect world), and while I'm not as good as say...the couple of girls who do soccer, rugby and have figure skating backgrounds - sue me, I was a geeky kid lol - I totally hold my own.

    Do it. You'll love it.

    Some advice though for those early weeks!

    Don't panic if after doing a 1 minute 'knee-fall' drill, you are drenched in sweat. You'll be amazed at how quickly your quads and butt figure out what you're doing to them!

    Trust your equipment - we play keep-it-up volleyball on our skates to get used to the padding and fully understanding how well it cushions forward falls.

    Pick an amazing derby name that really means something to you - even if its obscure.

    Good luck and keep me posted - maybe we'll play each other one day!