
So I'm struggling just a bit. I'm finding myself slip sliding backwards, falling off the wagon, being "bad", making poor choices, anyway you want to put it. I've lost 34 pounds (4 away from my senior year in highschool weight), I'm no longer "morbidly" obese according to BMI, I've been taken off of my meds.

And yet with all this reward and motivation, I'm finding myself struggling and falling into the old, "I'm so tired of weighing everything and logging it" attitude.

So I need a good *kitten* kicking. Hit me with it, whether it be tough love or inspiration. I need SOMETHING to get my butt back on track.


  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    girl, You bettah get your *kitten* right back up on that high horse, and kick weights *kitten*, lmao! Hope it helped!:flowerforyou:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I understand the being sick of measuring everything and logging it in. I have days like that. By now you probably know how to make good choices and eye-ball the correct portions. Take a few days off of measuring and tracking and you will probably end up finding out that you actually miss it, lol. It's ok to take a few days off from tracking just try to make good choices and give your brain a break from thinking about it all too much.

    You will get to your goal!
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    I think we all get tired of weighing and logging and just eating right. It isn't easy--especially with the holidays coming up--a dieter's worse nightmare! However, pick yourself up and walk straight with your sholders square and your chin up and new determination in your heart to look at the positive and the future success and begin anew.

    Best wishes for your continued success! :flowerforyou: :smile: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I just read some of your minigoals
    "40 lbs - By Thanksgiving - Reward: New Clothes (I figure I'll probably need some by then!)"

    You are 6 pounds away from hitting this goal. ONLY SIX POUNDS!!!! Focus on that 6 pounds. Thanksgiving is two weeks away from TODAY! That is still possible. Today, review your exercise program and what you eat. Figure out what you can do different to meet that goal. What a fantastic reward if you meet your goal! And great timing with all the sales that will be going on.

    Focus on those 6 pounds. You got it in you to do it. It's ONLY for two weeks! :happy:
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Don't know what your meds were, but do you really want them back?? Work those 6 pounds off and use the money you would have spent on the meds and get those clothes!!:angry:
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    I'm just going to throw you're own quote back 'atcha ;)

    "Despair is the ultimate failure. If the rope breaks nine times, then we must splice it back together a tenth time." -Dalai Lama

    34lbs lost already...that's fantastic!!!! You've been working so hard and are so close to your TurkeyDay goal, don't give up. Just hang in a little bit longer :)
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So I'm struggling just a bit. I'm finding myself slip sliding backwards, falling off the wagon, being "bad", making poor choices, anyway you want to put it. I've lost 34 pounds (4 away from my senior year in highschool weight), I'm no longer "morbidly" obese according to BMI, I've been taken off of my meds.

    And yet with all this reward and motivation, I'm finding myself struggling and falling into the old, "I'm so tired of weighing everything and logging it" attitude.

    So I need a good *kitten* kicking. Hit me with it, whether it be tough love or inspiration. I need SOMETHING to get my butt back on track.

    amandadaisylotus, don't allow yourself to even think the thought "I'm so tired of weighing and logging it" replace that negative thought with positivity. Its thoughts like those we have to fight off and "refuse" down right refuse to be a part of our thinking... I love logging my meals and weighing my food, I love eating healthy and truely enjoy every aspect of the lifestyle. Tell yourself that next time rather then the negative thought. By doing so you'll be over coming. Over coming a obstacle in your life. And for every obstacle we over come we build strength and take a step closer to achieving our goals and what is most important for us and our lives. Good luck!:)
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    Get over it sista! You are doing great! Don't reward yourself by "cheating" I have made that mistae myself and believe me it is so hard to go back to then you take another break and another and another! Reward yourself with losing another 20 lbs and the 30 and then... That's the true reward! A happy healthy body! Its not an easy journey its rough and sometimes it feels unacheivable but we can all do this! Your 34 lbs is an amazing start so don't give in! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • klybarger
    hug - can't beat you up too much cause I'm going through the same phase. I guess you should try to remember that "aha" moment that started your journey to losing 34 pounds! That is really awesome. Hang in there
  • MargaretA
    i know the feeling!! i had lost 38 lbs. last winter . and gained 22 lbs back this summer!! but i am back and have lost 6 lbs in three weeks; hang in there!!! good luck!!!! margaret