Once you lose motivation, how do you get it back?

I'm just over half way through my pregnancy... early on, when I was tired, I stopped exercising on a regular basis. I was still eating very healthy. Once my 2nd trimester hit, I started moving around a lot more (Not as structured as before but definitely keeping busy). The whole time I ate very healthy... that was... until about a month ago. I feel like everyone tries to force feed me unhealthy things... they (mostly my hubby) buys all kinds of comfort foods thinking they are being nice. I feel like the world wants to see me eating ice cream. hehe My cravings have mostly been fruits and veggies... but when there's ice cream around or sugary cereal around... how can I resist? My weight gain has been normal now. It was actually low in the beginning but now it's on track and feels like maybe it's happening a little too quick now. But my questions is... since I feel like i've fallen off the bandwagon... HOW do I get back on track? I've been waiting for this aha moment to hit me but it's not coming! Please provide tips! Thanks


  • Raebug123
    Raebug123 Posts: 79 Member
    I think first you should talk to the hubby and let him know that while he thinks he is trying to help it really is better for you and the baby to not have a bunch of sugary things. Maybe once in a while for a special something but not all the time. Then just start from the beginning again and start slow and work back up to where you were! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy and remember to have fun and enjoy it!
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Just start by having positive conversations with yourself. Keep positve affirmations around you. Your goal must be to have a healthy baby, of course, but also, if you are in good shape physically, it will help make your delivery easier. By exercising you can reduce your stress level, and once you start up again, you will see how it makes you feel better mentally and physically. Start small, and keep your goals in mind. You will also bounce back faster after delivery if you are in better physical shape. You also have a huge amount of assorted hormones causing many changes, physical and emotional. Exercise will help that too. Noone can really do this for you, and noone can take it from you once you begin. It is yours. Just do it. Pick yourself up and start moving, you will want to keep going. Get out there, you will do fine. It doesnt have to be a strenuous workout, a quiet walk is still moving. Its is time for you. It is your decision. Good Luck. Linda
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    There is something that everyone learns when they go through this whole process/personal project/ultimate quest/body revolution/healthy lifestyle transition/whatever you want to call it.

    here is a little easy outline!

    ♥ Motivation is something that stirs inside you that gives you a few convenient moments where you want to do what you normally dont really want to do- at the perfect time and place.

    ♥ If you don't act on this motivation, and instead store it for later - the product goes bad and now it is just spoiled motivation sitting on a shelf in your head.

    ♥ Everyone thinks they need motivation, but what they actually need to do is understand how it works. You cant 'get motivation', you can only 'become motivated'. So when you feel that split second of ooooooooooh when you see a picture or read something that stirs you- you stand the frak up immediately! use it or lose it!

    ♥ Anytime you become motivated, at the right time when you can act on it, and you choose to liftoff... you are putting that motivation back into the universe for others to benefit from two-fold. Because now that motivational moment is still out there AND what you did with it becomes another piece of motivation floating around to spur on others as well! You caused it to multiply!

    ♥ Forming a habit of becoming motivated, as opposed to collecting motivation, starts creating a momentum in which you know that you can go ahead and use it and it WILL be replaced, you build up a greater sensitivity to being able to be motivated by the smallest things- from external and internal sources both.

    ♥ participating in the cycle of motivation, helping yourself and others, is a much healthier way to work alongside yourself, than hoarding a folder of pictures on your computer that you may never look at again. Because you see a picture, feel the stirring, click it on pinterest... and keep finding another picture, another article, another success story, another picture... and using none of it.
  • ali_kat4
    ali_kat4 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! Truly inspiring words. I have told my hubby... I think he was worried at first because I wasn't gaining.. and now he's gone overboard. Plus he's a major junk food junkie. So I think my pregnancy, for him, is an excuse to have that stuff around since we don't normally have it in the house! hehe I just need to be strong! I'm really easy to get lazy. I've always been the type to do a million things at once so that the ball keep rolling because once it stops it's hard to me to get it moving again. I need to start walking again on a regular basis. Sad part is... once I start walking all the time, I love it. So I need to brush off this lazy funk!