I'm at that platau already...



  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    How "much" healthy food do you eat though? I think the biggest problem with loosing weight is that some don't understand the importance of having enough "fuel" to lose weight.

    I have had the same problem! I am running 30mins 5 days a week and doing Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 about 5 days a week too. I eat healthy meals and down tons of water. I am 5'7" and weigh 160lb. I know that I can get lower because 3 years ago I was 130 while running, but eating horribly! I have only lost 6lbs in about 4 months!
  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    Well, I think most misunderstood...I'm afraid that I'm at that plateau because I never get below 150lbs on any diet. I am not currently on a plan, just using MFP so I am scared I'll hit that wall now. I will continue what I am doing just change up the excersize... 30 mins on treadmill, 30 on bike and 30 on elliptical can only go on for so long. Maybe I just need to change it up a bit.

    And I will check out http://www.quickbmr.com/what-is-tdee.html to see what I need to be eating because between 1200 and 1700 there is quite a difference.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Well, I think most misunderstood...I'm afraid that I'm at that plateau because I never get below 150lbs on any diet. I am not currently on a plan, just using MFP so I am scared I'll hit that wall now. I will continue what I am doing just change up the excersize... 30 mins on treadmill, 30 on bike and 30 on elliptical can only go on for so long. Maybe I just need to change it up a bit.

    And I will check out http://www.quickbmr.com/what-is-tdee.html to see what I need to be eating because between 1200 and 1700 there is quite a difference.

    Seriously, if you look and feel good, WHY would you ever be hung up on a number on a scale?
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Agreed with the last post...if you are comfortable with yourself and the way you look, why let numbers on the scale get you down? I am currently at 150 lbs and I can't even remember the last time I weighed this. I feel great in my clothes. Do I think I have more to lose, of course, am I going to beat myself up about what some numbers say, no way hosay!! Feel good about yourself, this is the main goal. I also agree that you need to change your exercise routine and eating up a bit otherwise your body will get used to it and that is the plateau that we all hit at one time or another. I hit it every 5 lbs I lose so I have to rearrange everything. I also found this past week that if I cut down on my exercises and give my body a break, I can actually lose more weight. I think I was pushing my body doo darn hard. Stick with it!! We are all here for support!!