

  • CinthyNair
    30 mins cardio on exercise bike everyday, alternated with interval trainings. Strength training on alternate days.
  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    i'll be honest..i HATE excercizing.
    i work out 20 min 1-2 times a week..IF that
    but i have to walk back and fourth classes and stuff so that totals probably 1 mile/ 15 min a day

    i'm trying to work up to 3 days a week 30 min..INTENSE like..30 day shred intense w/ strech and short walk after

    but right now i'm just doing walk away the pounds get started walk because i dont have a dvd remote in my dorm

    its bad because i know i can work out 60min a day ( i did last semester) but i REALLY REALLY don't want to

    ..i'd have to shower twice a day :( I DONT HAVE TIME!! im taking 18credits and working 22hrs away and i'm in 3 clubs!!


    8am-9pm 4 days a week
    1 day 8am- midnight
    1day 10am-6pm will only workout
    1day 8pm-12 these two days!
    1 day off

  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    50-1h 30m training sessions 5 days a week. two 20-30m HIIT sessions per week. 45m jog 5 days a week. Sundays off!:smile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I really don't have a set time, but more of a set calorie burn. I try to burn at least 800 -1000 calories per day by exercising. It is usually a combination of walking, the exercise bike or a stepper. Some days I can do that quickly and other days it takes some time. I also try to get some 100 calorie workouts during down times of the day. For example when the kids are watching a tv show I use the stepper til I burn 100 calories. When we are outside playing I never stand and watch them. I jump up and down, run with them, walk laps around the yard....anything to get the heart rate up and keep it up.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Average an hour 5 days a week (run days a little more) and 2 hours 1 day a week...(strength and cardio on mondays)