Any One Heard of Female Training Bible? Question...

Has anyone of the this from I just recently came across it and decided to give it a try as I need new motivation. Today I completed Day 4/Week 1 of the program. The way it works is you have the same routine for all 12 weeks (i.e. every Monday I do the same exercises for 12 wks). Weeks 1-4, do 3 sets of 8-12 reps / weeks 5-8, up your weights & do 3 sets of 6-8 reps / weeks 9-12, up your weights again and do 3 sets of 4-6 reps.

Here's my question...a guy friend told me that by doing this I will bulk up. I don't want to bulk up - I want muscle definition. I want lean cut arms, not bulked cut arms. Basically have more muscle definition in arms/legs, where ever. He said instead of upping weights & less reps, I should do lower weights and more reps. He says I should do 20-25 reps per set with lower weights. I don't think this makes sense. All I've read/seen on this sight when it comes to women weightlifting, is we have to increase our weights to see results. But I'm wondering with the way this program works of increasing weight as I go along, does he have a point?

Is he right? Will I bulk up if I follow this? I'm 5'4", 40 yrs old, 150 lbs - goal is to lose 15 lbs. I'm also doing some cardio thru out week - walking/spinning. BTW if you look at my diary, its blank. I'm just getting back on after being off for 3 months.



  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm not familiar with that particular program but women just don't have the genetics to "bulk" up. I have always lifted heavy and when my diet is clean and my work outs on target including lifting as heavy as possible I have never bulked up. Even my girlfriends who compete in Bikini comps lift heavy and don't bulk. So in my opinion you have nothing to worry about.