Laugh at me

Every semester of college(this is my fourth) i find myself getting less sleep. And because of it, i do things that lack brain cells being used and wonder WHY ELLIE WHY.

Well, i locked my keys in my car right outside my house. I guess the hide a key fell off. Oh but it gets better.

I left the car running.:blushing: :blushing: Anyone ever do that?

What have you done recently that you can left at?


  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Oops, red faced or what?
    What did you have to do?

    I remember a time when I walked into the glass front door of the hotel! That hurt
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    The only time I did that I just broke into my own truck by pulling the back glass apart where the latch was broken...
  • Sleepy: I had to call AAA. They just finished, but he was really nice about it thank God!

    Taylor: I guess i will call you next time lol