My medication makes me extremely hungry at night... help?

Hey everyone. I hate to get into anything personal, but feel that I need to a little bit in order for you to understand the situation well. I've been put on Ritalin and have been on it for the past month or so. It has benefited me a lot (motivation, less depressed, better attention span, better focus, etc.) but one side effect that has come up is that I get super hungry at night. I discussed this with the person who prescribes it to me, and she said that since it's an appetite suppressant and I have to take it early on in the day so it doesn't keep me up at night, it makes sense that a while after it wears off, I become extremely hungry.

I've never had issues with being extremely hungry at night like this before, so I think she's right that the medication is causing it. I really don't want to have to switch off of it because it is doing me a lot of good. So does anyone have any suggestions... maybe foods that I can eat that will keep me fuller for longer, or something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)